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After their discussion, Mark and Gaga didn't talked throughout the rest of the visit.
Upon their arrival back at the apartment, Gaga stopped Bradley at the door, -'Listen, Gi and I are very tired, I think it's best if we meet another day, okay?', Bradley nodded while smiling at her, -'Of course, see you later then', -'Yeah, see you'.
Gaga sat her son on the couch for a second as she did the dishes. She then prepared him for his little nap, -'Do you wanna take a sleepie with mommy, Gi?', the little boy chuckled at her, reaching for his paci, -'This has to be gone in the next few months okay? But you've been good so you can have it' she smiled, putting it in his mouth.
Gaga slowly walked with her little son over to the bedroom. She laid him on the bed stripping him of his old clothes. She sat back on the headboard and turned on Gianluca's favorite channel with a very low volume just to get him to relax. She stroked his hair softly, and rubbed his belly just how he liked it when he was a bit more little.
After a few shorts minutes, she realized Gianluca was asleep and she could finally think about what Mark had told her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she and Bradley were going too fast, I mean they'd just gone on one date and he was already sleeping at her house once in a while.
She wasn't thinking about the impact this could have in her son's life, of course she put his wellbeing before hers. She stared at her little treasure, observing every little detail. His little chest going steadily up and down with his calm breathing, he was still gently sucking on his paci, it brought some sort of comfort when he wasnt near his mom. He looked like the perfect mix of her and Mark as babies. She just stared, his paci slipped off his mouth and she chuckled, turning off the TV and cuddling him tight, he unconsciously turned to the welcoming warmth of her chest, and she finally understood, this was the very best thing she has ever done, and she wanted to protect him at all cost. She didnt know the magnitude of the impact that different partners caused in his life, he might feel confused about why he didnt see his dada as often as he saw uncle B.
She sighed deeply. She hated admitting that she was wrong, but what she had with Bradley had potential to grow into something beautiful.
Gaga dialed Mark's number.
-'If you don't see him marrying you Stef, then it's a waste of time. You're 31 years old, it's time you understand your time in this world...and your responsabilities...as of right now, I consider your household to be unstable', Gaga teared up, -'I dont want it to be unstable though, what can I do?', '...I don't know Stefani, stay with him if you're gonna get married to him, but under no circumstances let Gianluca call him dad. Ever. Okay? Because that would break my heart and I would feel deeply disrespected', -'No of course, don't worry about that...You're the best dad, even if you're not with us all the time', -'I try my best given the circumstances', -'I know you do', -'Soooo...what are y'all doing?', -'Just cuddling, he's asleep' she said, putting the phone up to Gian's face for Mark to hear his little snores, -'That is incrdibly cute', -'It is' Gaga giggled. Mark knew how to guide and make her smile at the end of the day.

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