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-'Gianluca, what is WRONG with you, son'.
Gaga was absolutely desperate, the little guy has been crying for an hour straight and nothing seemed to be calming him down, -'You're not letting papa and nana sleep! Come on...', she held him tight against her but that still couldnt make him stop crying, -'Listen, I really dont wanna wake up your grandma so youre gonna have to get it together'. She had tried everything, gave him warm oats, changed his diaper, gave him a warm bath and nothing worked.
A few minutes later, Cynthia opened the room's door and switched the light on, -'Stefani, what-', -'I dont know whats wrong! He's never had any trouble sleeping, mom', -'Did you tried cuddling him to sleep?', -'Of course, I sang to him, gave him his drink, bathed him...and still', Cynthia tapped her lip. The last time her daughter called her for help with her son was when he was a few days old, after that, Gianluca had been excellent. Except for today.
-'Has anything in his bedtime routine changed over the last few weeks?', Gaga shook her head immediately, -'Just think, girl! There must've been something that changed for him to be so upset', Gaga looked at Gianluca who was still crying hard and tapped her lip. After a moment, she sighed to herself and rolled her eyes, -'Mark has been putting him to sleep for a few weeks now', Cynthia raised an eyebrow and chuckled, -'Skype him, make him talk to Gianluca, it will surely help...and please hurry, we really wanna sleep', Gaga nodded and Cynthia closed the door.
Gianluca remained sitting against his mom's pillow absolutely freaking out, -'Son, this is ridiculous' Gaga said, looking through her purse to find her iPad and charger.

-'Youre really gonna make me talk to daddy huh?' Gaga sighed, sitting back on the pillow and holding the crying boy in her arms.
Mark answered the Skype call and immediately frowned, -'Whats wrong with him?', -'He's been crying for like almost two hours', Gianluca heard his dad's voice and turned his attention to the iPad, -'Theory is...maybe he needs you to talk him to sleep so...', Mark smiled wide, Gaga had to admit that even if she was dating someone else, she still found Mark terribly attractive.
After only a few minutes of hearing his dad's voice, Gianluca fell asleep holding his mommy's side, -'Welp, he's out! Thank you, we'll talk la-', -'Don't hang up please, I wanna see you and your fresh face when you go to sleep...I havent done that in a while', Gaga smiled at the camera and rolled her eyes, -'Youre so dumb, Mark', he chuckled and sighed, -'Maybe. Youre still lovely to see', Gaga nodded and smiled, -'Well thanks...and thanks for making Gianluca sleep, I was going insane', Mark nodded, -'I'm sorry I overreacted earlier, I was kind of a douche', -'You accused me of kidnap, thats the douchiest thing you've ever done', Mark sighed deeply, -'It wont happen again. I've just gotten really overprotective not only of our son but of you too...I just dont want you to get hurt', Gaga nodded, -'Thats very sweet of you but...I'm almost 32, we have a son together, we've been through a lot; I think I can take care of myself. And I swear to you right now, if Insee things going south I will just end things with Bradley', -'I just dont want your reaction to affect Gianluca', -'My reactions?', -'Come on Stef. We both know youre very sensitive to loss and tragedy. Are you forgetting what happened when Taylor left?', Gaga felt her eyes welling up, she nodded tearfully, -'Yes...I know what you mean' she acknowledge she could sink into depression and was prone to anxiety and panic when things got really ugly. So this is where Mark has been going all along. -'I wanna protect you and him. Thats all I want. I dont wanna be an asshole, though', she agreed and wiped her tears, -'well thank you for saying that, for like, clearing yourself up. Now you make more sense' she giggled nervously. Mark chuckled and nodded, -'Now, you must be tired', -'Yeah, I am. After dealing with thjs little beast for two hours!', -'Goodnight Stef'.
Gaga smiled at him and closed the call. 
She got up to switch the light off and got into the warm bed beside her son. Mark was actually protecting her from herself. She knew how hard grief hit her sometimes. She still took medicines to control her mental illness boiling just under her skin. This concern on Mark's behalf made her and Gianluca feel protected.
She got under the covers and cuddled her son to sleep.

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