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-'Babe come back here I didnt mean it!', -'You offended me, Bradley...that was very VERY insensitive', Gaga cried, rushing downstairs and into the kitchen. Bradley caught up with her later, -'I'm sorry! That came out wrong', -'You know what you sounded like? You made it seem like Gianluca is a mistake and an INCONVENIENT for you, for marrying someone with a kid', Bradley thiught for a second and nodded to himself, -'I know, but thats not- it came out wrong anyway...I just maybe feel a little insecure because Mark has Gianluca and-', -'Have you SEEN our situation? We can't even tell the MEDIA. No one knows apart from family! You're lucky you dont have to stress over that all the time! I have! And it hurts when your son doesnt have his father around at all times either...so don't even...Gianluca was not a mistake, he's the best thing that ever happened in my life, and YOU have to calm down because you know hwo busy Imm gonna be!', Bradley sat down on a stool and looked at her, -'Come here', -'No' she frowned, sipping some Coke, -'Come on babe', Gaga sighed deeply and sipped some more before walking to him, -'I'm sorry I offended you, it will not happen again and I'm gonna choose my words better...what I meant to say though...is that maybe I feel like I'm being left behind in the family train I guess. I really wanna have a family of my own with you, you know? My blood!', Gaga nodded but before she could talk she head a little voice, -'Mommy?', Gianluca stared at them from upstairs, sitting on the steps, -'Hey baby, why arent you in bed?', -'Screaming, mommy' he responded, pointing at her; Gaga chuckled, -'Yeah, come down here...', Gian obeyed and let his mom hold him up, -'I was kind of screaming, I'm sorry that I woke you', -'Sad mommy?', -'No I'm not sad...I'm all good now!', Gianluca nodded and looked at Bradley, outstretching his arms to him, the man took him in his arms, -'I promise you you'll have a family, I'll give that to you...I'm just not ready for that right now...it's hard', -'I know it's hard, I've seen you first hand dealing with all of that, and I admire you deeply', Gaga nodded, -'Yeah well. We've talked about this...I managed! And I think the kid came out pretty good!', -'Mommy can me have some icies?', -'Ice cream? Are you crazy, monkey? Icies will make you wanna jump roofs at 3am! No icies for you', -'Juicies?', -'...Instead of juice how about you actually eat an orange huh? Sounds good?', Gianluca nodded and crawled into the counter where he grabbed an orange and let his mom chop it for him, -'Here, finish that and then we'll go back to sleep', Gianluca smiled and nodded.
Bradley looked back at her, she was looking at her feet, -'Hey...look at me'? He grabbed her chin and kissed her gently, -'I'm sorry', Gaga nodded, -'Apology accepted', -'You know I dont like arguing with you', -'I know..I kinda exploded as well but it's all settled', Bradley smiled and hugged her, -'I love you sweets', -'Love you too'.

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