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Howard Stern looked up and down at Gaga. She was way more mature looking than the last time he talked to her on his radio show.
-'So you've had a rough year, right?, he asked
Gaga chuckled, -'Yeah I guess you could say it was rough in some ways. Not everything was bad though! I had my baby girl a few months ago and we also won the Oscar and all, and now this music! Its all good now'
-'Yeah but you went through some shit! I mean you went to the doctor for blood transfusions and-', -'Let me clear that up. People think I did that on like, purpose because well Lady Gaga does crazy shit but, what happened was...after my homebirth with my daughter I lost a lot of blood and had to have blood transfusions and even developed anemia', -'Woah! We didnt know that', -'Yeah thats what happened', -'Damn...and then one month after that...ykur house was robbed. With you in it!', -'Yes. But we pulled through and Bradley and I decided it was safer to move. For the sake of the children of course', -'Now now what happened when they robbed your-', -'I really would rather just not to touch that topic for now, I dont feel safe or comfortable talking about it', Howard nodded, -'Of course...so this new music', -'Ah yes! Well I promised my fans some treats before new years sooo I released a little bundle of 5 songs before the album next year', -'Tell me more about these'....
Gaga ranted happily about her new songs and all the wonderful things still to come until the interview was over.

-'Great job babe', her husband greeted her with a kiss in the back of their black SUV, -'Well thank you' she smiled, kissing him back, -'Now, where to?' He asked, -'Nowhere, I am done with promo for today' she replied, looking at her phone briefly.
-'Did you called mom?', -'Yeah she says the kids are doing great', Gaga smiled wide and nodded -'Great', -'Come here, you need some rest' he whispered, inviting her to take a power nap in his arms, -'I'm hungry' she mumbled, -'I think we can drop diet today, huh? Want a double bacon cheeseburger?', Gaga nodded lazily and hugged her husband before falling asleep.

Gaga and Bradley laid on their bed, looking out the huge window in front of it, -'Central Park looks so cute from here' she whispered, -'Yeah, it's almost ready for Christmas', -'Yeap...I want this Christmas to be very special. Not only because it's Jo's first Christmas but because I've been thhrough a lot. I feel like I've been reborn', Bradley nodded and cuddled her tight, -'I love you babe', -'I love you too' she responded, peeking into the crib in the far corner and making sure their daughter was asleep; -'Shes asleep' she announced silently, tumbling up to the door to close it. She giggled and hopped on her husband's lap, -'It's been a while' he smiled, she nodded and kissed him hard before the two started to make passionate love.
-'Ahh fuck, am I ready to do this?' Gaga whispered to her team as she was getting ready for her Victorias Secret fashion show performance, -'Babe, you need to stop downlooking at yourself', -'Sara I have two kids! I-', -'SO?! You grew boobs and butt because of them! And you have a hint of that six pack you wanted. You look INSANELY good', Gaga sighed deeply and looked at herself in the mirror. The underwear was cute and fit her well, -'I mean I like this', -'Mhmmm! Well?! Go!', -'Okay...okay, how's my lip gloss looking', -'It's looking great, now go get your mic and your wings!'.

As Gaga watched the rewatch of her performance, she thought about how her life had changed in a mere amount of months. It was December now and only a few days for Christmas, she really felt safe and complete. And also her body was looking absolutely flawless.
-'HEY!' Her husband yelled on the phone, -'Hey babe!', -'You did SO GOOD' he chuckled, on the other side of the call, -'Thanj you baby! How's everyone over there?', -'Missing you!', -'Awww! I'll fly there tonight just in time for Christmas baby', Bradley nodded, -'Please wear that little golden outfit you wore on the runway, it was...absolutely spectacular', -'Well it may just be your little Christmas gift, but dont insist or I may just change my mind'.

-'Hi mommy!' Gianluca squealed, hopping into his little feet and jumping on his mom, -'Hello little guy! Oh I missed you so much my love!', -'Me missed you too!' He squealed, hugging her as tight as his little arms could do, -'Awww I love you my sweet sweet boy' she whispered in his ear before letting him go, she then threw her luggage into her dressing room and went iut the kitchen again, -'Hey baby' she gleefully greeted her husband, he was pouring some fancy champagne in two plastic cups, -'Plastic cups? I am offended' she joked, kissing him deeply, -'I couldnt find the champagne glasses. Either way, I missed you and I'm glad you made it for Christmas', -'Awww! I missed you too baby, I love you' she giggled, holding his face and kissing him hard.
-'And where's my little tiny potato? Hmmm?', Joanne laughed at her mommy and grabbed her hair, -'I missed you little princess! I missed you so much my girl' she smiled, kissing her daughter gently, -'Can you believe shes 5 months old already?', -'I CANNOT. She is growing up so fast, this is not possible' Gaga chuckled, caressing her daughter's ashy blonde hair, -'I am so happy I'm here with y'all for Christmas...I need a break from my second life' she smiled, laying lazily on the couch, -'Mommy, me got to see Izzy's new doggy', -'Oh did you? Daddy told me all about it! Did you liked it?', -'It was vewy vewy funny mommy, I pwomise', -'I believe you son! I bet the dog was super funny', she looked up at Bradley and chuckled, -'Ooooh mommy! Bwadley gotchu a c-', -'Gianluca!' Bradley spoke, the little boy covered his mouth and giggled, -'ALMOSDDDT!' He squealed, -'He just cant keep a secret' Bradley chuckled, -'Well I'm sure its gonna be a good gift right?', -'Yes it will'.

Next chapter will be the last one!

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