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***Days later***
Gaga tried to cling desperately to the headboard, -'Oh my GOD', Bradley felt her slipping the deeper he went, so he held tightly onto her waist, squeezing it like his life depended on it, -'You're incredible' he whispered on her ear, sending chills down her spine, she tried to catch up to his rythm but it was impossible, he didnt slowed down for a second, every shove feeling like a train entering her in the best way possible, -'Go slow now, go slow' she asked, trying to enjoy every second of their sex. It was absolutely incredible. She felt him bite her shoulder blade which made her gasp and giggle, -'This is fucking amazing' he said, tensing up before cumming, she let out a little cry and came with him.
-'Why are you so good all the time?' She asked him, laying flat on his chest as he held her ass firmly, -'You mean the only two times we've had sex?', -'Yeah!', -'Welp. You're technically human viagra when you dress up with that little bra and thong', Gaga looked at him in the eye and chuckled, -'Right...whatever, B!' She smiled, poking his nose, -'You are though! Come here!' He smiled, sitting her in his lap, -'Well...thank you I guess', -'Your smile is super cute by the way, and you smell nice', Gaga lifted an eyebrow, -'You have the weirdest ways to compliment me', -'I'm just...stating facts!, -'Yeah yeah, you look cuter when you just shhhh'.

-'Arw you just gonna walk around naked around my place?' Bradley asked Gaga with a huge smile, -'I might! That way when you look out again into your living room, you won't help it but see me naked, right?', -'That's...the sweetest thing you've ever said to me'.
After Gaga agreed on a second date, Bradley had taken her to his place this time while Gianluca spent time with Mark.
-'...Why were you interested in me?' Gaga asked him while sitting on his lap, he chuckled, -'What's not to love about you huh? Are you really that blind to yourself?', -'I mean...kind of. I'm fucking humble! Not all of us are obviously handsome with ashy blonde hair and sky blue eyes you know?', -'No, you're platinum blonde with big emerald eyes, you tell me what's more attractive', -'Don't even...you're so silly'.

3am rolled in and Gaga sat on the edge of Bradley's bed, -'Maybe I should get going', -'No, no...please stay', Gaga sighed deeply, -'You know, I brought my toothbrush' she giggled, -'Oh you DID?', -'Yep', -'Well, yet another reason to stay!'. She nestled herself in his arms and felt his breathing against her neck, -'This is crazy', -'What is?', -'Just...this. I never thought I'd be in this situation', -'Well, is it a bad situation, Stef?', Gaga shook her head, -'No, I don't think so...', -'Well there you go, it's all good. You're safe', Gaga nodded and stroked her feet against his legs, -'This helps me sleep, sorry', -'It's fine, I like it'.

-'I am supposed to be picking my son up right now' Gaga said, looking up at the ceiling, -'What time is it?', -'It's 2pm...', -'Right...do you want to leave?', -'It's not that I want to, I just...have to', -'I understand...well, it was a good date', -'And an even better fuck, hon. But now it's time to go back to routine' she smiled, collecting her clothes.
He kissed her goodbye and sat on his living room. She was right. All he could see was her naked body going around.

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