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Gaga breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with tears still dropping from her eyes, she was happy about this moment but she was not ready to be engaged again.
Bradley smiled and got up, latching the gorgeous pink diamond bracelet around her wrist, -'It's so pretty' she cried, hugging him tight, -'Of COURSE I'll be you girlfriend', -'I'm so glad you said yes, you're so special to me and everyone around me loves you so much', Gaga nodded and wiped some tears again, -'I feel very grateful that Gianluca loves you as well, we're very happy to have you', Bradley nodded with a smile in his face and kissed her deeply, -'I feel like a weight was lifted out of my chest!', -'Where you ACTUALLY worried that Iwould say no? Come on, bubby you know me better than that!'.

After the small, simple yet very special date, Gaga and Bradley returned to her Malibu mansion with their horniness turned to the max, -'This fucking DRESS' Bradley said, trying to unzip it, -'IT's been killing me all night' she cackled back, wriggling out of it. Bradley took a deep breath and felt his raging boner poking up, -'You really didnt wear undies', -'What did I told you?' She smiled, raising an eyebrow and pushing him back on the bed, -'Tonight I'm gonna be on top and we're gonna do it MY way'.

-'Oh my God you're fucking killing me, HOW are you still going?!', Gaga had been riding his dick for 30 minutes straight, -'200 squats a day, babe' she breathed, holding onto his shoulders and digging her nails into his skin, -'I'm fucking about to come I swear to God', -'Damn Stef, don't mention Him while you're fucking me like a damn drill', Gaga laughed and rammed herself down even harder as they both came.
-'Shit...' she sighed, cuddling into her blankets and sweating like a pig, -'I'm fucking numb', Bradley looked beside her, -'YOU fucked me numb, you're just amazing', Gaga chuckled and caressed his hair, twirling it in her fingers, -'I love you B. You know that?', He smiled at her and kissed her, -'I love you too'.
Their moment of bliss was interrupted by Gaga's phone ringing, she looked at the picture on display, -'Shit, it's Mark' she said, sitting up against the headboard, as soon as she opened the called she heard his son crying, -'MARK?! Mark, what's happening?', -'He won't sleep and I REALLY don't know what to do! I think he misses you', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'Put him on speaker and lay him down, I'll get him to sleep', Mark obeyed, now Gianluca's cries were on full blast and Gaga tried talking above them, -'Hello little man! Gianlucaaa please stop crying' she sang, with a sweet sweet voice, -'You promised you'd be good baby! Now we have to go to sleepies okay? You have to be nice to daddy', all she heard now were little hiccups, -'See? Now you have hiccups! You can drink some of your warm oaties now and have daddy stroke your belly to sleep okay?', Mark chuckled, -'He's literally staring at the phone', -'Rub his belly, it calms him down, he loves it, he's like a puppy', Mark laughed -'You really just compared our son to a baby dog', -'Yes! Now what is he doing?', -'He's just sucking his thumb grabbing the blanket, I think we're getting there!', -'Great...now little Gigi, let's go to sleep okay? I love you so so much, you dont know HOW much, little son'. She then heard silence and Mark grinning, -'Okay that was kind of magic', -'I try haha! Remember to wake him up to go to the potty okay? I'm tryna teach him to let me know when he had to pee and stuff', Mark nodded, -'Thanks Stef, goodnight', -'Goodnigjt, bye'.

-'That was extremely cute' Bradley said, grabbing her arm and cuddling her tight, -'I try' she sighed, cuddling into him for sleepies.

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