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-'Thank you so much for the picture Mark, I really really love it and I already installed it right in the entrance table', -'I'm happy to hear that Stef, I thought it was a good moment to...just remind you of the importance of family', -'Yeah, thank you again. I cried', -'Oh I can imagine', -'So are you coming tomorrow morning?', -'Yes of course! I really just wanna spend time with Gi, I havent seen him in a while because of work and stuff', Gaga nodded, -'Yeah well, he's already playing with some of the toys you sent him you know?', -'Ah, perfect! Well...I'll see you guys tomorrow!', -'Yeah, tomorrow it is'.

It was 6pm and Bradley was gathering his stuff, -'I should go' he announced, brushing his hair back, -'Where are you gonna be staying?', -'I'm going to my parents again, Stef', Gaga smiled and nodded, -'Say hello to your mom and dad for me okay?', -'I will! Thank you for having me, Cyndi, Joe and Nats, I really had a great Christmas', Cynthia nodded and patted his shoulder, -'It was nice having you here'.
Gaga walked him to his car with Gian in her arms, -'See you soon little guy', Gaga looked up at Bradley and leaned in to kiss him softly, -'Have a safe drive, B', -'I'll see you later okay? I'll text you!', -'Deal'.

-'Oh my God he loves your gifts soooo much!' Gaga exclaimed, watching Gianluca be excited at what Mark brought him, -'Oh god I'm glad he loves them, Jo and I had the hardest time on deciding what to get him', -'It's the intention that counts, and I love seeing him happy. He missed you', -'Yeah I'm sorry I've been working, I have some projects coming up and I've been DJing overseas', Gaga nodded and patted his arm, -'I know that, Mark, you dont have to apologize!', -'Yeah I just think I should totally be more present in his life and-and I know this is like a cycle, I've literally told you this like a million times but it's true. I wish I could hust see him every day. I've missed so many of his milestones as a child. I mean I missed his birth, his first words, his walking...all this, and it's like a void in my heart you know?', Gaga had never heard Mark speak like that, -'And I don't mean to disrespect you or your florishing relationship with Bradley but...he's been around him a lot and...and I honestly am scared that Gianluca will forget about me', his voice broke and Gaga looked into his watery eyes. This was a man who would kill and be killed for his son, who tried his utter best for him and who loved Gaga dearly as well not just as the mom of his son, but as a very close force in his life. And now he was full blown crying because he was scared he'd have to see his flesh and blood be raised by someone else.
-'Mark, please don't think that way' Gaga said, hugging him tight feeling the tears fall on her shoulder, -'I wanna spend some days with him if you let me' he asked, with a shattered heart, Gaga nodded her head, and patted his back, -'Of course you can have him for the weekend...I understand you a hundred percent. And tell you what? That little boy rigjt there? He adores you. He thinks you're his hero, he just loves you as much as you love him. So stop crying, he'll always have you and you'll always have him, and no other man can take that away from you'.

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