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Joanne Lorena was the most beautiful thing Bradley had ever laid his eyes on and she was only seconds old, the scene wasn't chaotic. It was inmensely calm, the only slightly disturbed thing in their room were Gaga's sob and Joanne's first cries, still it was beautiful.
Reese handed Gaga a pink blanket to wrap her daughter on so she wouldnt get too cold, -'Do you see her?! She's so cute' she cried, as she heard the click of Reese's camera taking pictures, Bradley couldn't contain his tears either, his daughter was blonde with pink cheeks, still no news on what colors her eyes were though, -'I love you Stef' he sobbed, before kissing her deeply, -'Thank you, this is amazing', Gaga smiled and nodded, she knew this was everything he ever wanted and her daughter was completely divine so everything fell into place perfectly.

-'Can I hold her?' He whispered, Reese suddenly grunted and shook her head, -'Not yet, it's bonding time, this is good for her and the baby, qreleases crazy oxytocine', Bradley nodded understandingly and let his wife and daughter bond like they should. Maybe thats why Gaga and Gianluca were so close?
-'Are you okay? Do you feel okay?' He asked his wife, she was looking a bit pale and woozy, -'Yeah I'm fine, I just feel very tired', -'She's lost a little blood because I had to cut her some but she'll be fine, just give her time', Bradley nodded and sat beside her, caressing her skin gently, -'If you need anything just talk okay?', -'I'm good, really', he saw her calmly breastfeed their newborn daughter, -'I feel so sleepy', -'No no Stef, I'm fixing you okay?', -'Okay', -'Is there something wrong, Reese?' Bradley asked, -'No, she just lost some blood I told you, I'm sewing her up, it's fine hust focus on your girls' she smiled.

A few hours passed and Gaga still hadn't moved a muscle, -'Can I hold her now?' Her husband whispered in her ear, Gaga nodded and gave her little tiny blonde daughter to him.
-'How you feelin Stef?', -'Fucking miserable, Reese', -'Do you feel sick?', -'Yes, I feel like fainting', -'Right...do you think we need to go to the hospital?', Gaga sighed and looked up at the ceiling for a sec, -'I think I do, just for-', -'Okay, Bradley help me get her up, I think we need to go to the hospital', Bradley frowned and looked away from her daughter, -'How-what's wrong?', -'I'm not sure, but she's not feeling too well', -'Oh God babe, are you okay?', -'I just feel a little woozy that's all, I think it's best if we make sure we're both okay' she whispered, looking at her little pink-cheeked girl.

They didn't had a wheelchair at home so Bradley had to hold her up all the way into the car, it was obvious she was still bleeding, Reese loaded little Joanne Lorena into a baby carseat and put strapped her in, "She's like two hours old, this is too much" she thought.
She just hoped her patient got better soon.

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