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Gaga and Bradley had been married for one year now, and he had asked her to write and record some songs for his upcoming movie, -'But wait, do you need me at the studio now or later?' She asked into the phone while scribbling everytbing he told her on her agenda -'Right...so at 4pm then. Okay, I love you too babe, bye'.

She started to get busy again but she didnt mind that because she was extremely happy. Being married to such a wonderful man made her feel completed and free, and very cared for. And so did Gianluca; the little boy was growing up good and well with Bradley's usual intervention in his life but also Mark's ever present watch.
Gaga had launched some new songs during her first year of marriage which were heavily influenced in the fullfilmemt she felt as a grown woman now.
The public loved it, but now she also had to prepare for an album and Bradley's project.
-'Baby I have to go' she told her son, Gianluca looked up at her -'Okay mommy', -'Okay? You stay with Ashley and Natali here okay? I'll go work some with Bradley', the little boy nodded and hugged her by the waist, -'I love you baby' she smiled, kissing his head and leaving.

The sunset hit her sunglasses as she drove away from her Malibu sanctuary and went into the recording studios, -'Ah I'm finally here! I'm sorry for the delay' she giggled, saying hello to all the producers and hugging and kissing her husband deeply, -'Now, where are we?', -'We just need you to review these lyrics because its seems like-', -'Yes, I have the revisions of that here' she said, pulling out some folders.
Bradley then took a really really good look at her, -'Did you changed your hair?', Gaga arched her eyebrow and grinned, -'This is why I married you. Yes, I did changed my haircut back at the house', Bradley smiled and her waist while kissing her gently.

-'I'm tired' she sighed while sitting on the couch, -'I know, me too...you wanna go have some dinner and then we call it a night?', -'What time is it, like 12am? And you wanna have dinner?' Gaga chuckled, Bradley smiled and nodded back, -'We can go to a diner. Come on! It will be fun', Gaga sighed deeply and nodded, Bradley picked her up and they went for a late night date.

-'So how's Isabel and Mark and all those people over there?' Bradley asked while they waited for their pancakes, -'They're good, they're in London and I think they'll be there for a while...it's fine though, he calls a lot', -'Yeah, I guess it is fine...so what's for tomorrow?' He asked, -'A photoshoot. But like, at night and outdoors which is gonna make me freeze to death probably', Bradley chuckled, -'Can I go see it?', -'Yes of course! I'd love that...I think it's gonna be in that place where we always go hiking', -'Yes, beautiful place'.

When Gaga and Bradley went in the house everything was absolutely quiet, just how they liked it. Everyone had gone to bed and they would have no interruptions for the night.
Gaga removed her shirt and bra in the blink of an eye leaving Bradley speechless, -'Come here sweets' she grinned, her red full lips forming a mischievous smile, Bradley took off her pants and started kissing her, Gaga reached out to her bedside table to grab a flavored condom, Bradley took it gently from her hand and flicked it away, -'Let's do it without', Gaga raised an eyebrow and looked down since she was sitting on top of him, -'No, we have to do it with a condom babe, I don't-', -'Oh come on Stef. I'm 44, cut me some slack here, let's make a baby, come on', Gaga grabbed his hands and frowned, -'I have so many projects coming up and we are gonna be busy and-', 'It's time babe, please...please? Just this once?', Gaga sighed and shook her head, -'It's not time yet' -'Pfftt! Like you didnt had the fucking Superbowl coming when you let Mark knock you up and now you dont even wanna please your own husband?!', Gaga was taken aback, she thought rapidly and slapped him, -'How fucking DARE YOU'.

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