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Gaga knocked frantically on her parent's apartment's door, -'Dad open up!'. She heard Joe hurry to the door and open it, she immediately pushed it so she could step in, -'Stef, you didn't-', she handed Gianluca to her and threw all her bags into the couch, -'I have to pee!'.

-'It is so cold outside, it's supposed to be March! March is usually a bit warm right?', Natali shrugged and kept eating her cheese grits, -'Why did you get here so early?', Gaga sighed deeply, -'Because! Don't you wanna spend more time with your sister and your nephew?' She smiled, tickling her sister's ribs, -'STOP! Or I'll fucking kick you in the face', Gaga laughed and dipped a finger in the warm cheese grits, then licking it, -'Glorious'.

-'It's kind of warm in Malibu, why did you come early?', Cynthia asked her daughter while trying to make her grandson take a nap, Gaga sighed deeply an licked her lips, -'I'm just tired of Mark technically harassing us over there...like it's INSANE, and I KNOW he's the father and all that, but mom I honestly ever have a second in the day where he's not with us. I mean he even makes Bradley super uncomfortable! He should be working but no, all he does is come by at like 6am and leave at like 10pm like every week', Cynthia frowned and looked down at little Gianluca who was biting on the top of his sippy cup, -'Well...that thing you told me a few months ago, you talked to him about that I guess? Because I feel like he's still insecure with Bradley around', -'I know mom, but what, I can't have a boyfriend? I can't start a new life? He's not even gonna be out of the picture!', Cynthia sighed and nodded, -'Well you need to tell him all that, babe....so what's up with Bradley, I like the guy. Do you think you're gonna marry him?', Gaga smiled widely and looked down, -'I sure hope so! He's incredible with both of us...so, I'm hoping for a happy ending. Also we're gonna have like 20 more babies so be prepared', Cynthia laughed and rolled her eyes.

-'Stef?! Guess who's calling', Natali called, waving her sister's phone around, -'Uptown Fuck is calling!'; -'STOP calling him that, oh my god' Gaga laughed, while grabbing the phone and opening the call.
-'Hey Stef!'
-'Hello, Mark, how are you?'
-'I'm good. Hey, are you home? I was thinkibg about visiting, I bought him some treats'
-'No, we're not home Mark...we came here to New York this morning'
-'...I thought you guys weren't leaving until the 26th'
-'Yeah well, I changed my mind and decided to come here in the first days of March...'
-'You couldve told me though, you left with my son'
-'I am aware of that, you can just come for my birthday or...I dont know',
-'This is kidnap Stef, I-'
-'Oh Mark, shut the fuck up. How is it kidnap, I cant go qnywhere now? Just shut up, if you wanna see him so much then grab a flight, I'll be at my dad's place' and with that, she hung up and threw her phone on the couch.
Natali stared at her and lifted an eyebrow, -'Is this Stefani Germanotta finally saying what she's thinking?', Gaga sigjed and giggled, -'Yes, I am sooo tired of people manipulating me, I am DONE', -'Well said sister...now Dad brought this wine, you wanna have a little sip with me?', -'Yes baby, I'll get drunk with you when I put the little monkey to bed'; -'Oh! And...is your man coming?', -'You're just asking me to have your fix of man candy aren't you?!' Gaga laughed, hitting her jokingly, -'He's in France for a meeting with a script writer', -'Interesting...I cant wait to see him', Gaga gasped and jumped on her sister tickling her all over.

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