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Bradley handed Gaga some Gatorade so that she woudlnt faint, -'Babe I need to get him back. I need to go talk to him', -'Then go! What is the worse that could happen? That you two argue?', -'Oh thats gonna happen for sure. I dont know if you should go though, I think it would make him even more tense', Bradley nodded and sighed, -'I'll stay here I guess', -'Alright...I have to take a shower and get dressed and go to his place...This may get ugly, he may yell at me' she said with a chuckle.
She showered and put on a white tight shirt with some leggings, kitten heels and stepped into her beautiful pearly white Mercedes, -'B, just wait here...I hope I'm here by nighttime okay? Lock the doors please and thank you', -'Of course babe' he responded, kissing her gently.
She gave him a forced smile and drove out of her property.

Mark head the roar of Gaga's sports car and he rolled his eyes, -'Mommy is a stubborn bitch' he mumbled, while his son played with some Lego cars.
-'Stefani, what did I tell you?' He yelled, while she walked angrily towards him, she threw her car keys right at his face and tried to push him iut of her way, -'Mark get the fuck out of my way! Let me get my son!', -'OUR son!', -'Yeah, Yeah, now let me in', -'We need to talk', -'Well we can talk inside! I wanna see him!', Mark sighed and let her in. He was so weak he amazed himself sometimes. Or maybe it was her that made him weak.
She made her way through his front door, scooping up her car keys kind of dissapointed they didnt actually hit his face, she turned the corner and saw her little son playing with blocks, -'Well hello little guy!', the sweet baby turned around immediately and stopped biting the Lego piece, immediately outstretching his arms to her and wrighling his little fingers, -'How's my little man doing huh?' She smiled, picking him up and cuddling him tight, -'Did you behaved? Were you good? ...Of course you were' she giggled kissing his head. Mark looked from afar. She was a terrific mom, but he still felt that her household was a bit unstable and all the sexual tension going on didnt really helped the situation.
-'SO! Remember. You came to talk!', -'No, I came to grab my son and leave', Gaga tried to head out but Mark stopped her, pushing her shoulders down so she would sit on the couch, -'Listen Stef...When we came in today and saw you just getting laid like that, I just dont know if your household is-', -'STABLE ENOUGH. Oh I know Mark. Guess what though? He asked me to be hie girlfriend the other night' she said, raising an eyebrow and wriggling her bracelet at him.
-'So, youre his now?', -'I'm no one's but...yeah we're together oficially'. Mark nodded, -'Well I'm happy for you', he didnt know why he felt the jealousy boiling rigjt under his skin but it crept up on him like a fast approaching train, -'Gianluca spent New Year's with y'all and I couldnt even seen him...that hurt me a lot but I just didnt tell you', -'You were DJing at a club that night Mark!', -'No, I lied. Jusg because it was January 1st and I still didnt get to see my son for New Years. But thats fine. All I'm asking is a little more space in his life', -'Mark you HAVE space! You just had him for four days! Come on, honey', as he called him honey he recalled wverything they went through last year, -'Stef, I just feel like I'm not a big enough force in his life and I want more time with him. Whenever I go there, its always Bradley being with him, and I'm honestly worried', -'Youre so fucking dramatic Mark', -'I'm serious here!', -'Then move in with us! Would that fucking help your  little complex?'.

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