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-'I've been working out and eating salad, if this fucking dress doesnt fit I'm gonna lose my shit', Cynthia rolled her eyes at her daughter's potty mouth while Brandon and Sara helped her to fit her wedding gown. It wasn't anything overly spectacular because the ceremony was going to be very intimate but it was beautiful nonetheless.
-'YES' Gaga smiled in victory, she went to look in her floor lenght mirror. It was a white skinny lacy dress with pink crystal droplets accentuating the cleavege, -'Ah, the pink droplets look like the rock on my engagement ring' she cried, looking at the ring for the millionth time, Cynthia teared up while she helped Gaga into her silver shoes, -'You look so beautiful baby girl', Gaga nodded and sighed, -'I simply adore it. I love it...'.

-'So I was thinking we could do a french braid or an updo, what do you think?' Freddie asked Gaga. She tapped her lip and thought for a bit, -'I think a relaxed updo with some flowers on it will be fine, yeah?', -'I agree, yes. We can get some daisies or pink baby rose blooms', -'Yes I love those' she nodded, kissing her stylist's cheek.
-'It's only a few days away now sis!' Natali chuckled, holding her big sister's hand, -'I know! Isn't it crazy? I'm marrying my man...I'm so excited', Natali nodded and kissed Gaga's cheek while holding her tight, -'Oh and thanks for not making me look fat in the bridesmaid dress' she added with a laugh.

-'Stef come see this! We're fitting Gianluca', Gaga laugjed and ran to her bedroom. Gianluca was wearing a nice, pale pink shirt with a red bow, some black pants and black shoes, -'Oh. My God...this is SO PRECIOUS!', the little boy walked towards the mirror and pulled on his tie to examine it, -'You look so handsome sweet baby boy!', Gianluca smiled and bobbed his head while walking away from the mirror and hugging his mom's leg, -'Come here my little prince! Look! We're matching', -'Stef, let me take that off him I dont want him to get it dirty or anything', Gaga nodded at Brandon and let him take it off her son.
-'So? The wedding dress is a GO?', -'It is a GO. Good job baby, thank you' she then hugged her team and asked for help to squeeze out from the dress.

-'You tried on the dress?' Bradley asked her while holding her to his lap, -'Yeap! But you can't see it' she chuckled, holding his hands, -'Ah I see! I see...', -'Are you excited, B?', Bradley turned her around so he could look at her in the eye, -'Am I excited to spend the rest of my life with the most beautiful, smart, talented woman in the world?? I think I'm pretty excited', Gaga blushed and nestled herself against his chest, -'You know, you make me feel like I'm 16 and in highschool inlove with someone', Bradley kissed her deeply and grabbed her tight, -'Can you believe we're getting married next month,', Gaga shook her head and smiled, -'I'm extremely happy babe. I'm extremely happy with you', Bradley nodded against her shoulder and held her tight, trying to shield her from the cold night, he grabbed her ass and rubbed it gently, she giggled because he was tickling her on purpose, -'Stop', -'No, I like your giggles', Gaga blushed and laid her head her head on his shoulder again, he caressed her back and then groped her ass, -'BABY' she squealed in surprise and then laughed, their moment of bliss was interrupted by Mark who opened the balcony door, -'Hey Stef, can you hand me the ke-Shit, I'm sorry if y'all were in some kind of-', Gaga sighed deeply and kissed Bradley gently before slipping off his lap, -'It's fine, you big handful of nerves! You looking for the key?', Mark nodded while looking away, Gaga pulled the hem of her shorts back down since Bradley had started to slip his hands in, -'Come on' she said, holding his hand and dragging him inside her bedroom, -'I'm sorry man, I didnt know you guys were into...outdoor sex', Gaga laughed and punched him playfully, -'Stop...how's the family, doll?' Gaga asked, while looking for the key to her second property were Mark, his wife and his daughter always stayed when they went to California, -'Family's good, Izzy is getting cuter by the second...is all good!', -'Did you say hello to your son downstairs?', -'Of course! He tried to feed me some Gerber though so I had to run up here real quick', Gaga rolled her eyes and handed him two copies of the key, -'Remember, the outdoors doors are in the safe...you know what the combination is and yo're all set', -'Thanks Stef', -'Mhhm! You still coming to the wedding right?', Mark rolled her eyes, -'How can I miss that?', -'Welp, it's next month! Remember to look at the invite', -'Okay thanks. Bye. And sorry again for interrupting your-', -'WE WERENT HAVING SEX! BYE' she laughed.

Gaga reappeared in her balcony and sat Gaga on Bradley's lap, -'Hey...where were we?', Bradley chuckled and kissed her deeply, kissing her engagement ring and then her bulging tits, -'Are we gonna get into outdoors sex now?', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'I think we can'.

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