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-'Stef come back home honey', Bradley asked her, -'I'll be right there just give me a second, I'm collecting Gianluca from-', -'You could've asked your driver to do that, you're about to pop', Gaga rolled her eyes, -'Right, well. I'll be right there, do you want me to stop for something to eat?', -'No! Just come back', Gaga giggled and hung up the call.
Gaga got out of her car and went into the little school to retrieve her son, he smiled when he spotted her and hugged her as best as he could, -'Hey mommy', -'Hey love, how was your day?', -'Goodies', -'Ah excelent! What did you do today?', -'Pictures, we made pictures', -'Like drawings? Will you show me later?', Gianluca nodded and kissed her belly, -'Hello little sister' he giggled, Gaga smiled and strapped him into his car seat.
-'Come on Gi, we're gonna get us some fried chicken'.

-'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!' Bradley yelled at her as she pulled up into the driveway, Gaga rolled her eyes and got down and unstrapped Gianluca from his seat, -'First of all, hello. Say thank you, we brought fried chicken', -'You shouldnt be eating fried chicken! You could go into-', -'Honey, fried chicken won't make me go into labor any faster, and it's not like I wanna stay pregnant forever right? I promise I'll stay home until she's born', Bradley shook his head, she just couldnt keep still!

-'I'm just saying you could go into labor on the streets and-', -'Bradley, do you know how long it took me to have Gianluca? It took me 10 hours. And one full one of pushing, so, trust me when I tell you it doesnt happen as fast' she chuckled, keeping an eye for her son as he ate a piece of chicken, -'I'm sorrry I just...havent really heard of-', -'It's fine, babe. And I'm fine! For now', Bradley nodded and kissed her gently.

-'Babe, Mark is coming over to listen to the songs and you know, tweak them a little bit in the studio down there', Bradley nodded and held her to his lap, -'Isn't he also taking Gianluca?', -'Yeah, I asked him to so he'll bring him back when the baby's born'.

At around sunset, Gaga saw Mark's car park in her driveway, she smiled and went out to greet him, -'Hello!', -'Hey Stef, how's it going?', -'Good. A bit miserable, but good overall' she joked, Mark chuckled and went into the house with her.

-'So wait, what do you wanna fix in this one?' Mark asked, looking at the song lyrics in her notebook, -'I think the hook...it could use some of your genius' she answered, laying back on a chair, Mark sat opposite to her and put his feet on the armrest beside her, -'What?', -'I'm just amazed at you talking to me about song hooks when you look like you're a second from popping', Gaga frowned and rolled her eyes, -'You guys are so damn rude, I just wanna have my songs good to go before I go on diaper duty again' she sighed. He smirked and nodded, -'You look handsome, what have you been doing?', -'See these commens hurt my feelings, was I a walking ballsack before or?!' Gaga laughed and punched him playfully, -'I'm kidding. It's probably your paleness and the dark circles under your eyes, so smokin hot', Mark pinched her leg hard, -'Stop, you fuck!'.

-'Bye baby, when you're back I promise your little sister will be here, okay?', Gianluca nodded excitedly and kissed his mom's stomach, -'Come on Gi, Izzy is dying to see you'; Gaga stood up and said goodbye to Mark as did Bradley.
The gates closed behind Mark's car and Gaga sighed deeply, -'Welp! Everything's taken care of' she said, laying on the couch. Bradley nodded and laid beside her, rubbing her hand gently, -'Are you excited?' He asked, Gaga smiled and nodded, -'Of course I'm excited! I'm finally gonna have a little girl of my own', Bradley chuckled and shook his head, -'You'll go crazy with her', -'Oh trust me, she'll be fabulous just like me'.

-'Is it wise to be eating double cheeseburgers at this point?' Bradley asked his wife, -'To me it is! I'm hungry!', -'But didn't Reese told you not to?', -'Is Reese here? Honestly. I will eat my damn burger, leave me alone', -'...If you start feeling sick then it's not gonna be my fault okay?', -'I'll still moan at you and tell you its your fault haha'.

-'Okay, so Reese says I may already be in labor...like she's pretty sure I am, which is exciting', -'It's terrifying' Bradley responded from the living room couch, -'Why? It's gonna be fine', -'I'll probably freak out', -'Fine, just dont let me see it or I'm gonna kick you in the face'.
-'Do we have the crib and everything in our room?', -'Yes Stef, I told you for the millionth time', Gaga chuckled and hugged him, -'Don't be mad at me bubby!', -'I'm not, you just ask random shit all the time' he smiled, kissing her deeply, -'Are you in pain?', -'No no, that'll be later trust me, I hope this one doesn't lasts 10 hours I've got shit to do'.

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