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-'YOU KNEW?!' Gaga yelled at Mark as she approached waving the engagement ring around, Mark laughed at her and high fived Bradley, -'Of course I fucking knew! What do you think we were talking about out there?', -'I HATE YOU' she cackled, hugging him tight, -'Congratulations Stef', Gaga pulled away and smiled widely at Mark and his wife, -'So YOU! Invited us here so this could happen?!', -'YES! You didnt suspected anything?!', -'Man, she wasnt even aware of anything when I held her hands and started talking', Jo laughed and caressed Gaga's hand, -'Ah its a beautiful ring Stef!', Gaga nodded and blushed when she noticed Bradley staring at her lovingly, -'Now come on, let me take a picture of you two', Mark grabbed Gaga's phone as the newly engaged couple posed by a tree, -'Ah yes, this is going on Instagram' he chuckled, handing Gaga the phone.
-'Both of us talked to your father a few days ago about this!!', -'I guess we're good at keeping secrets' Mark said, as he served a small portion of mashed potatoes into Gianluca's plate, -'I am so, like...over the moon, babe. You're so cute, thank you so much' she sobbed, grabbing Bradley's chin and kissing him gently.
The rest of the evening went very smoothly, but Gaga's connection to Mark was too powerful for her to not notice that he was jealous. It was almost tangible to her. Of course, it wasnt his place to object in any of this, but still.

-'Say goodbye to mommy little guy', Mark lifted up his son so he could say bye to Gaga, she smiled wide and kissed the little boy, -'I'll be back tomorrow baby, you be good to daddy okay?', Gianluca nodded, -'And remember! Potty and bedtime right away, my little monkey', she kissed him again and sat him on Mark's lap, -'Thank you so much for having us', -'Of course, hey man, I'm glad things turned out fine and you didnt get tongue-tied' Mark smiled at Bradley, who chuckled, -'You two helped me a lot with this, I owe you one'.
The engaged couple then made their way out after sayjng their final goodbyes and headed to a lovely desert shop in Downtown LA. This was Bradley's engagement treat for Gaga. While he was driving, he held her left hand and caressed the small yet elaborate ring.
After a while of looking at it, Gaga found that it was kind of shaped like rose and its vines. The attention to detail was outstanding.
-'I love you Stef' he smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her quickly. This drove his eyes off the road for a milisecond. But a milisecond is all that it took.

CLIFFHANGER! Just how I like them 😈😘

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