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Gaga let out a little squeal of surprise, -'Right...you have a wife. And a baby on the way. And you cant do this', Mark raised and eyebrow and sighed, -'I couldnt contain. Youre too perfect', -'Mark, I-...okay, whatever. Just put Gianluca to sleep please' she said, sipping the rest of her wine.
Gaga laid back on the deck chair and thought about Mark's behaviour. He was usually very very shy. So this type of thing really surprised her especially after all they've been through. Of course he wasnt so shy when they started having sex a few years ago. She chuckled to herself.
****Few months later****
-'Babe...remember Mark and Josephine invited us for lunch today' Gaga whispered. It was 6am and she had to get up to work (from home, but still), Bradley nodded and shoved his head on the pillow again, -'I love you babe' she said, and kissed his head before getting up and continuing with her routine.
It was sunny summer day in Malibu so Gaga decided to wake Gianluca early and let him play around while she worked.
-'Son, come here come get your fruit' she called. Gianluca came in walking and bit off some melon off his mom's hand, -'We're gonna see daddy and Jo today, and you get to touch your little sibling as well!', Mark and Gaga had already planted the 'big brother' seed in Gianluca's mind so he was excited whenever Gaga said the word sibling he got quite happy.
Ever since what happened in her birthday night, Gaga hadnt asked Mark about it anymore, she still wondered why he kissed her. Was he still inlove with her? It was ridiculous. Gaga was inlove with Bradley already and they had started talking about a future together.
-'Thinking hard?' Bradley said, startling her and pulling her out of her thoughts, -'Yeah, working hard', -'Good morning by the way', Gaga smiled up and kissed him, -'Good morning. Come on, have some fruit with me', -'Ah, it's like a spa in here. Especially in summer', Gaga nodded and laid her head on his shoulder, he held her hand and kissed her head, -'You know, my mom asked me the other day when we're gonna get married', Gaga chuckled and scrunched up her nose, -'Shes so sweet! And so is your dad. We really enjoy spending time there', Bradley agreed, -'They adore you! And they love this little guy as well'.

-'So how far along are you Jo?', -'I'm like...what, like 5 months', -'Ah great! And you feel good and all?', -'Yeah, your advices have really helped me Stef, thank you', Gaga smiled brightly and looked outside, Bradley and Mark were sharing some beers. It was heartwarming to seeing them looking so comfortable with each other. It was very important to Gaga because she really saw a future with Bradley and Mark would be in her life as well forever.
-'So did you considered the homebirth thing? I mean it worked out for me flawlessly, it's super safe and it's such a powerful and special experience, and it helps with the bonding so much, I totally recommend it', -'I dont know, I'm kind of scared of the pain and I just wanna be over it as quickly as possible', Gaga rolled  her eyes, -'I was in labor for 10 hours and never said a thing!', -'Well I'm a pussy, I'm not like you!' Jo laughed, -'So you'll end up getting a c section right?', -'Yes most likely', -'Ah well. That sucks'.
-'Do you ever feel like Gianluca seems a little alone or something?', Josephine asked, just staring at how the baby acted while playing, -'I mean yeah, of course. He's mostly surrounded by adults, of course we try to make the ambient as kid friendly as possible and we have the dogs and all but yeah he gets pretty lonely. He babbles to himself a lot. I think he talks himself to sleep', -'Aww thats so sad?', -'I dont think so, I mean I was an only child for 6 years before my sister was born. He's pulling through fine but as of right now, the only kid interaction he's ever had came from Elton John's children. And it was like just a few days', -'Don't you think it would be good to, you know...have a little sibling for him?', -'Like me having another kid? Damn Jo. Not right now, no. I dont even have time for myself, I really can't do another kid right now but later on I would like to have more, why not', -'I'm happy he's still getting a sibling with us!', -'Thats what I'm saying! I want him to interact alot with his sibling. It's key for his growth as a kid'.
-'This place is amazing isn't it?' Gaga whispered as Bradley and her  walked through the property, Bradley nodded and held her by the waist, -'I love you Stef', Gaga looked up and saw him smiling, -'I love you too widdle bear', -'Stop calling me that!' He said jokingly, pinching her cheek, -'Nope, youre a little bear', -'Come on, let's go up here'. He dragged her over to a little bridge where a stream quietly ran underneath, -'Oh my god this is all so adorable!', -'Isn't this YOUR house?!', -'I mean yeah, but I havent been out here in a while. I lend it to so many people I just forget what it looks like'. The sun shone through the thick leaves of a weeping willow and the smell of roses was strong and pleasant, -'Simply marvelous' she sighed.
-'Stef, turn around' Bradley said, touching her arm softly.
She turned to face him, he held her hands and started talking -'I've known you for a while now, Stef. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're truly a sight of fantasies. A full blown princess, TRUST ME. I love every single thing about you. How you love, how you care for people, how you protect dearly, and how talented and smart you are. You're everything I ever wanted, and babe I know it may seem rushed but...I wanted to ask you to marry me, Stef' his voice was thin, he opened a little red box revealing a beautiful, yet discrete ring with a rosey diamond right in the center of it, Gaga didnt noticed how hard she was crying, she wiped her tears and nodded, -'YES! OF COURSE I WILL', she tried to contain her screams of joy but failed to do so. Bradley audibly sighed and put the ring on her left hand finger, -'Oh my God this is gorgeous babe' she cried, hugging him tight abd then kissing him, Bradley smiled wide and kissed her head, -'Is this what your heart wants?', Gaga nodded against his chest unable to control the flow of tears sprouting from her eyes, -'This is so perfect, I love you so much'.

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