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Gaga cried and sobbed for a while. She needed to let out all that dread she felt inside. She told Bradley between sobs that she felt unlovable. Her little boy was her whole life and universe but she was genuinely afraid she would be alone for life especially now with a baby. She didn't necessarily needee husband material, just someone who would look after them.
Bradley nodded and hugged her tighter, he felt extremely guilty; but not for that reason did he invited her on a date. He genuinely liked her. She was smart, funny and gorgeous and seeing her interact with her son was fascinating. At firs Gaga thought it was a bold move on his part and she felt slightly offended but the idea settled in as the night went on and they decided on a place. A little French restaurant in Jersey Shore so people wouldnt bother them.
Gaga was not really looking for a father for her baby, pf course the man she dated would absolutely have to like Gianluca, she was just looking for someone she could talk about and hold at night.
And she also hadn't had sex for almost a year.

Bradley left a couple of hours later, agreeing to meet in two days at rhe Jersey Shore place. She nodded again and hugged him tightly, closing the door after him.
Gaga sighed deeply and rubbed her temples. She checked on Gianluca. He, as always, was sleeping soundly as long as he had his paci in his mouth. She smiled lazily qnd jumped into the warm shower.
Gaga slept well that night. Extewmely well. She actually dreamed (or went back to) of the day that Gianluca was born. She went through every detail, every word, every sound she could remember. She recalled the amount of strawberry granolas and bottled of water she had during her 10 hour labor, she recalled how mad she was at Taylor, how Reese rolled her eyes and told her she should murder him. And she also recalled how it felt when Reese gave her son to her. How she handed her the scissors to cut the cord that had joined them for so long, she recalled Gianluca's sweet sweet smell and his small cries as Gaga held him tight for the first time. It was a good dream.

She woke up feeling extra blessed to have her little family. Something about that dream made her value everything she had. She picked up her babe from his crib and cuddled him tightly, which annoyed him because she made his paci fall, -'I love you so much little man, you're my whole universe...without you I am nothing, you know that?' She said to him softly, kissing his head and playing with his abundant hair, -'I love you my king...the king of my heart, I would go through hell and back for you son'.

It was midday when Cynthia and Joe came in and delivered some lunch from Joanne's, -'Ooooh thank you pappas! Gaga smiled delighted.
While Gaga ate her lunch, Joe sat on the edge of the couch and was helping Giannluca stand up, -'He's gonna walk soon, Stef' he predicted, -'And I better be there to see it!' She responded with a mouthful of garlic bread; -'Gee, if you lost if when he first said Mamma I can't inagine how you'll react when he starts walking', -'A lot. Just a heads up!'.

-'Do you have to work today?', -'No, not today. I have to do some press tomorrow with Bradley on some radio stations qnd TV...hes dreamy, mom'  she confessed, -'Oh no, Stef...not again', -'Mom! Why not? He's great and he invited me on a date!', -'Don't you think hes gonna take advantage of you', -'No. i trust him and I like the idea of a date, so I'm going!', Cynthia nodded; trying to change Gaga's mind was like trying to count droplets in a rainy day. Impossible.

-'Come on Sweet-Sweets...you have to go potty before bed remember? We don't want peepee in the sheets okay? We wanna use the nappy but it's potty time first', Gaga knew her son understood what she was talking about, he was smart and Gaga had taught him to do things that kids his age dont normally do.
That night Gaga went to bed with the promise of Bradley's company the next night. But first, it was gonna be one hectic day.

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