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Gaga woke up to the stroke of little lips on hers, she was slightly startled by this, but when she opened her eyes she saw her little son looking straight at her. Only then did she realized she was still in the couch and actually on top on Bradley fucking Cooper. "I'm a dork" she thought to herself. She looked back at her son, and tied up the situation. He had escaped his crib and walked all the way (a short distance) from her bedroom to the living room. Gaga frowned, this meant Gianluca walked on his own for the first time.
-'Oh my God...OH MY GOD! GIGI YOU'RE WALKING', ss bolted up on her feet and smiled widely at her small baby, -'ARE YOU WALKING LITTLE MAN?!', Gianluca giggled, holding onto her leg. Gaga's eyes watered, she was so proud of her little boy walking, she smacked Bradley in the arm to wake him up, -'B, HE WALKED', Bradley rubbed his eyes and frowned, -'What do you mean he walked?', -'I mean he escaped his crib and walked over here! He woke me up!', Bradleh then smiled and sat look at Gianluca trying to keep his balance, -'Your daddy is gonna be SO proud of you baby boy!' Gaga chuckled, holding his little hand so he wouldn't topple off.

After both Gaga washed herself up, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast, -'I'm making eggs and cutting up some leftover chicken, is that okay for you' she asked Bradley, who was watching morning cartoons with Gian, -'Yeah, sounds good'.
While Gaga was baking the scrambled eggs, she felt a pair of little warm hands creep up her leg, she looked down and saw her precious son smiling up at her, showing his four little white teeth, -'Look at you, my little man, all smiley!', she then noticed Bradley looking at the scene, filming in, -'I'll send it to you and you can send it to Mark', Gaga's grin got even wider, -'Thank you so much'.

-'You are such a big boy, Gigi, all walking and stuff huh? You are soo good, and you're gonna be so well behaved when we go to see daddy today, and you're not sick anymore...', Gianluca stared at his mother while she was dressing him up for the day, -'And you now smell so good qnd all huh? My dapper little champ, give me a little kiss', Gianluca giggled at her pouting and kissed her cutely, -'That's my man! All dressed up!'.
Bradley had gone to his place to shower and back again to go to Mark's with Gaga and Gianluca.

Upon their arrival to Mark's apartment just a few blocks away, Josephine opened the door and smiled at the little boy, -'Hello Gi! Someone told me you're walking!', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'How are you, Jo?', -'I'm good...' Josephine looked behind Gaga and smiled at Bradley, -'Come on in guys!'.
-'So how did he escaped his crib?', -'I have NO idea Mark, he just...appeared in front on me, I fell asleep on the couch so I have no idea how he did it', Mark chuckled and stroked his son's hair, -'He looks much betger, like he's not even sick anymore', -'He's not! He's completely fine'. Bradley sat beside Gaga and dared to hold her hand, luckily she played along and squeezed it, smiling politely at him. Mark noticed and tried to hide his discomfort about it all.

After a while, Mark and Gaga decided that it was time to cook some lunch for the guests and themselves. They went to the kitchen were Mark touched on his observations, -'So he's holding your hand already?' He asked, handing her some ingredients, -'Uhmm...yeah I guess...I mean it's nothing formal but it's special...', -'Like when you told me you loved me and wanted to run away with me?', Gaga sighed qnd shook her head, -'Mark don't do this', -'No no, I'm just saying aint y'all moving too fast? You ARE aware you have a son right?', -'What does that have to do with anything?', -'That you're introducing people in his life only to sweep them away after a while', -'How do you know I'll even sweep Bradley away, Mark?', Gaga felt hurt, -'I don't know Stef...shit happens and he's just a Hollywood pretty boy', Gaga sighed deeply and rolled her eyes at him, -'Just go with everyone else...I don't wanna see you now'.

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