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After the man robbed the safe and rumaged around the room for more stuff, he broke all the phones and tablets making them almost unable to communicate after theybwere done. He grabbed Gaga by the hair tightly and dragged her to where Natali and Ashley were, -'PLEASE LET ME GRAB MY DAUGHTER' she cried, -'SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY' one of them said, kneeing her on the jaw, she felt some teeth loosening, the pain was unbearable, Natali held her hand and whispered at her to be silent.
She still could not stop crying, she was in excruciating pain and dead worried about her daughter in the other room, but they were still being held at gunpoint so it was not smart to challenge these people. They couldnt even see their faces because they were covered.
Another man came out of another room with Natali and Ashley's things, -'Come on man, lets get outof here', Gaga was laying on the floor drooling blood and crying silently, Ashley had fainted and Natali was praying, -'Alright, lets go', the first man had grown a especially intense hatred for Gaga, so before they left he lifted her face and squeezed her jaw before banging her face against the floor again.

The girls waiting for a few minutes, Gaga was amazed she was still conscious. She dragged her way into the bedroom again and saw her daughter wriggling. Unharmed.
She cried in relief and immediately pressed the panic button.
Bradley stumbled his way into the hospital with tears falling down his face.
The police called him hours ago, talking about a robbery and armed assault on his wife, her sister and her assitant. Luckily their daughter was unharmed. They had stolen all their jewels, 200k in cash and electronic devices.
A police officer stopped him in his tracks, -'Mr Cooper, this way please', -'No, no. How's my wife? Hows my daughter', -'Your baby girl is under the care of nurses, shes safe. Your wife was badly battered. Her jaw is fractured, but not broken. She lost three teeth, bruised face, scraped knees and a handful of hair is missing from her head, her nose is broken and her lip had to be sewn but...she'll be okay', Bradley cried into his hands, -'This wasnt supposed to happen. We have ALARMS!', -'They found a way. Her sister is fine, a little bruised but nothing more. The girl named Ashley fainted but shes alright now', -'I have to see Stef', the police officer nodded, -'Over here'.
Bradley had never seen Gaga so coiled up. When she saw him, she buried her head in her pillow and started crying, clinging desperately into him without muttering a word. Rather sounds hard to understand. He got into bed with her and held her tight, -'Baby...baby I'm sorry. Nothing is gonna happen to you now, youre safe', Gaga cried even harder which made her head hurt even more, -'Please help me, I can't do this anymore' she sobbed, burying her head against his chest, Bradley held her tightly and kissed her head, -'Youre safe babe. Joanne Lorena isnsafe, Ashely, Natali. All safe..', Gaga shook her head furiously, -'We have to move. We HAVE TO! I'm not going back in that house!'.

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