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-'So are we going on that second date?' Bradley asked her over the phone, Gaga sighed and frowned, -'I don't know...I think we need to talk about some things...will you come over and have dinner with us?', -'Yeah of course', -'Okay, come at around 6, we're still taking a little power nap' Gaga smiled, lookingb over at Gian who was still snoring like a little bunny.
At around 5pm Gaga gently woke up her little son and gave him a warm bubble bath before putting him into his nappy, -'Come on, let's watch some cartoons while Mommy's cooking alright?'.
Gaga sat Gian down on the couch and gave him his sippy cup with the strawberry oat drink he loved, -'Look! Spongebob is on! This is your favorite baby', not even five seconds had passed since Gaga turned on the tv and Gianluca was already giggling at it. She smiled at his cuteness and got to work in the kitchen.
At 6pm, the doorbell rang. Gianluca drove his big eyes to the door and pointed at it, without taking his mouth off his sippy cup, -'I know! It's uncle B!'; Gaga opened the door and greeted Bradley with a big hug, -'Hello! Just in time', -'Yeap! I'm hungry!', -'Well I hope you like what I made', when Gianluca saw Bradley he outstretched his little chubby arms at him, -'Haaa, he wants you to hold him up, you guys chat for abit while I go serve dinner'.

-'So this is a vegan lasagna?' Bradley asked, Gaga nodded while putting Gianluca in his high chair, -'We're not vegan obviously, but this is healthy and Gian liked eggplant a lot so, it's win win! And for dessert I picked up some red velvet cake from my dad's place', Bradley smiled at her, she was perfect.
A few minutes passed, qnd Gaga giggled at her son grabbing pieces of eggplant and stuffing them into his face, -'Is that why he has that huge giant bib?' He asked, observing the happy child, -'YEP! He is a mess...'. Gaga sipped some white wine and stayed quiet, -'Stef are you okay? You're always so chatty and now you're kind of...silent', -'We need to talk about something...', Bradley immediately tensed up.
She moved her chair close to Gianluca and helped him eat, -'Soo, Mark and I talked before we had lunch today remember? And he asked me if we were serious or something, and I told him no because honestly we've only been in one date, Right?', Bradley nodded, -'He said something that is very true...we shouldnt rush into something if its not gonna be serious. I'm 31, I have a little son and I have to see for his wellbeing you know? And I can't be like introducing people in his life that may not last, it's not fair to him', Bradley frowned, -'Well I do plan on being serious with you at some point. I don't just like, want you to pass the time. I really like you and your little boy is the cutest, I mean...I'm not here to hurt you Stef', Gaga nodded and sighed, -'So you want something serious with time?', -'Yes! You're dreamy! You're everything a man could want...trust me', Gaga nodded and continued feeding Gian, -'Well, he did told me one thing and I think that's quite fair...he told me to never allow Gianluca to call you dad', Bradley shook his head, -'Of course he wont call me dad, I'm not here to remove Mark's place from your life, I'm here to be with you and help you and love you two, I respect Mark a lot and he seems like a great father, I never wanna take that away from him', Gaga nodded gently, -'Well...I guess thats fair enough' she giggled, sipping some wine, Gianluca looked at the cup and extended his little arm to it, -'Little man wants some wine?', Bradley chuckled, pinching the baby's little button nose, -'He seems like he does!'.

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