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-'Ahh fuck, I'm sad' Gaga said, while dressing Gianluca up so he could leave with his father for the weekend, -'They'll be okay! Come on, you've been away longer than that', -'And dont you think I sufferd when that happened?' Gaga said to Natali, who was hanging out with her for a while, -'I mean I guess. But he's in good hands!', -'He's never been alone with him so I prepared a little list', -'You're hilarious Stef. A list? Don't you think he knows his own son?', -'Does he know what flavor oats he likes? What milk he drinks? That he cant have his paci anymore? That he has to wake up at least three times a night for potty time? I dont think so'. Natali rolled her eyes and continued playing on her iPhone.

-'Okay babe, you're all done to leave!', Gaga hugged her little son and kissed him goodbye as Mark took him and the bag Gaga gave him, -'There's a list in there with everything you need to know. Still, call me if you need anything', -'Stef, its just three nights', -'Yeah, what's your point?', Mark chuckled and hugged her, -'I'll take good care of him, don't worry', -'Welp, have fun you two!'. Mark waved goodbye and strapped Gianluca into his little seat in his car.
-'He's gone', Bradley smiled from the couch, -'It's not that dramatic Stef! It's just a few days!', -'We're just really attached. I hope he's able to sleep tonight', -'He will, now...remember our date tonight! Maybe that will take your mind off it', -'Yeah...I'm looking forward to that!', -'Trust me, it'll be super special', -'Okay I trust you...but is it a surprise? Because everything's so misterious!', -'Of course it's a damn surprise, you just have to wear one of those nice dresses you have, okay?', -'Well now that's exciting'.

Gaga decided to put on a tight black dress with golden accents in the cleavege. She struggled to put on her high heels because the dress was tight as fuck, -'These fucking shoes I SWEAR', she complained as her long blonde hair fell on her face, -'My make up is about to get fucked', -'Stop complaining!' Bradley said from inside the bathroom, -'Why are you shaving? Your beard is nice especially when youre eating my-', -'STEF!', Gaga laughed and sprayed on some perfume. The last touch.
-'Oh God what the hell are you wearing, are you trying to kill me from a heart attack?', Gaga giggled, -'I'm not wearing underwear, this is too tight', Bradley rolled his eyes and sighed deeply, -'Yep, youre actually tryna kill me', -'Stop and put your jacket on, come on!'.

Gaga gasped as she saw where Bradley was driving her to. The beach. There was a table with candles and a waiter smiling brightly at them, -'This is so beautiful! Oh my GOD!', Bradley parked the car and held Gaga's hand. The sound of the waves crashing was the best music they needed in that moment.
-'A fancy dinner for a queen right?', Gaga smiled brightly at him and sat down across him in the dinner table, -'What are we having?', -'Lobster, shrimp, vegetables, some cheesecake for dessert. And something special for later', Gaga's eyes where shimmering, she felt so flattered and actually loved.
-'So I wanted to take you on this special date because youre special so...I wanted to do something nice for you', Gaga blushed and held his hand, and rubbed it gently, -'Well youre special to me too'.

-'This lobster is probably the best one I have ever tried', Gaga said, trying to eat and talk at the same time, -'Youre a mess Stef, you got sauce on your lips', -'Let me get it' she smiled, licking her lip, -'Your son probably has more manners than you'.

-'Ahh it's such a nice night isn't it?' She pointed, eating the cheesecake, -'Yeap, quite beautiful, kind of like you'.
After eating their dessert, they went on a walk through the beach. She held into his arm and kissed it before he stopped in his tracks and leaned against a rock, -'So I wanted to...ask you something', Gaga frowned and looked up at him. He looked absolutely flawless.
-'Yeah? What is it?'. He got on one knee and took out a little box out of his pocket, -'Bra-' she protested with tears in her eyes, -'I'm not gonna ask you to marry me Stef, don't worry...I just...wanna formalize things with a bracelet...' he opened the box and revealed a pink diamond charm bracelet, -'I wanted to ask you to officially be my girlfriend'.

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