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-'Mom are we gonna pick up Bradley's present to Stef today or..?', Natali whispered to her mom, Cynthia nodded and finished preparing Joe a sandwich, -'Get dressed, we'll go in a bit'.
Bradley had asked them to please retrieve Gaga's birthday gift from the jewelrer. It was gonna be a very special gift for her and he couldnt wait to see her with it.

Natali and Cynthia decided to just walk to the jewel shop, -'So when is he coming?', -'He told me he'd be here for dinner on the 27th so it's just right!', Natali nodded and pulled the scarf tighter around her since it was cold as fuck, -'And where is Stef now?', -'She left early for a meeting with her team', -'Right...oh its here!', the two women went in the shop and Cynthia retrieved a little post it note from her purse.
-'Hello! How can I help you, girls?' The women behind the counter asked them, -'Hi, we're here to retrieve this', Cynthia handed her the paper with the item code on it, the girl smiled wide and nodded, -'I will be right back!', -'I wonder what it is, mom' Natali said with excitement, -'All Bradley said was that it was costume made so it should be quite spectacular', Natali looked at a ring with a small green stone on it, -'Can I have that ring' she asked while nudging her mother, -'Of course not'.
The young lady came back with a velvet box and a soft pink bag with the name of the Jewelry shop on it, -'Okay, Mr. Cooper had this ordered for a while now, would you like to see it?', Natali nodded enthusiastically.
It was a rosey gold Chopard watch with baby blue diamonds around the front, 'SJAG' engraved on the back of the straps and in the clock itself, in the back it said 'Forever', Cynthia was completely blown away, -'Oh my God it is PERFECT', -'He had something else for her', -'Something else?! Gee.', the girl smiled and opened a smaller box, it held a necklace with a clear crystal heart charm, -'He put a picture inside', Cynthia opened the heart, it was a picture of Gianluca, -'Woo the waterfalls that will pour out when she sees it!', the girl chuckled and put everything in the pink bag. She made Cynthia sign a reciept paper and told them something about insurance.

Mother and daughter had lunch after retrieving the gifts and went back into their place.
They heard the living room TV on and Joe and Gianluca giggling.
-'Hey dad', -'Hey Mousy...Stef didnt came back with y'all?', -'She called me, said she was going to the gym afterwards', -'The gym? Jesus that girl is gonna dissapear!', -'Yeah...oh what are you doing there little man?', Gianluca was on the floor, with kid's paint and some brushes and a big cardboard in front of him, -'He's making his mommy's birthday present', Cynthia chuckled and stroked her grandson's hair, -'I see! Your mommy will love this so much, I just know it!'.

Gaga grabbed her keys and opened the apartment's door just in time for dinner time, -'I'm here guys', -'Stefani, it's 6pm! You almost missed dinner!', -'I was in a meeting and then I went to the gym and now I'm STARVING', Natali frowned at her sister when she saw just how smaller she had gotten, -'Have you been LIVING in the gym though?', -'I'm just working out a lot haha, I'll go shower and I'll join you guys'.

Gian grabbed a meatball and tried to stuff it whole in his mouth, -'Now look at this little monkey' Gaga said, helping him cut it and feeding it to him, -'Stef, eat. I'll take care of it', everyone had almost finished their main course and Gaga's plate was still almost untouched because she was busy looking at everything her son did, Joe took over and Gaga sighed, immediately beginning to eat her meat lasagna and side of meatballs.
-'I feel like I havent eaten in years' she chuckled, sipping on some iced tea, -'You look like that too! Are you okay, sis?', -'Yeah Nats! I mean, it's just that he gives me so much work that I dont even notice how little eat and then I go to the gym and-', -'I get the story. Now youre gonna eat double the lasagna with extra cheese and I'll shove some dessert into your mouth if thats what it takes', Gaga smiled and kept on eating.

-'Loops, it's officially the 27th...your 32nd birthday is tomorrow, do you feel old yet?' Natali asked as they shared a glass of wine, -'Old? I mean, kinda. But I feel good! I'm peaking' she giggled, sipping some wine, -'I feel like I have a lot of my life quite together now. It took me a while but it's happening', Natali nodded and looked behind her sister. She raised an eyebrow and smiled, -'Yeah totally, I say you take your time', Gaga nodded and tried to start talking again.
Bradley put his hands over her eyes, and Gaga guessed it just by the smell of the cologne, -'B?!?', he laughed and uncovered her eyes, kissing her deeply, -'Hello princess', -'AWWW I told you she'd cry!' Natali said, poking his arm and leaving the couple alone.

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