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-'I cant move in with you', -'Why? Theres more than enough room and that way we can stop bickering at your petty insecurity fits', Mark rolled his eyes and sighed deeply, -'It doesnt seem right. It's a bad idea', -'Then how the fuck do you expect to be EVEN CLOSER to him?', -'Just-Just call me when he goes to the doctor, when y'all go out for dinner, shit like that, Stef!', Gaga narrowed her eyes, -'One thing is wanting to be close to your son and the other is YOU being jealous because I got me a man...right?', Mark sat down on the couch, -'Listen...do you honestly blame me for being a little jealous? He's close to you all the time. YOU! We've been through so much together and-and we MADE this!! We made him! We made a perfect thing and the fact that I cant be closer to neither of you is honestly heartbreaking', Gaga sighed in frustration, -'Mark you have a wife. Please dont do this. I dont have time to think about this right now', -'I know I have a damn wife Stefani, it's just complicated feelings', -'Well uncomplicate them ASAP...now, can I take my kid?', Mark looked at her in the eye and nodded, -'Excellent', she smiled, taking Gianluca's bag and her purse, -'I'll call you later...and you know Mark? You can come and stay whenver you want. He's yours as much as he is mine...remember that!'.

-'How did it go?' Bradley asked her, as soon and she and Gian stepped foot into the house, -'As expected. Hes over dramatic and insecure but I kinda know where he's coming from' she said, -'I feel so damn tired rigjt now...what time is it?', -'7pm', -'Ahh seven? It's almost bedtime baby!' She smiled at her son who tried to pull her necklace again, -'I just wanna sleep honestly', Bradley nodded, -'I think I have to leave Steffie', Gaga frowned, -'Why?', -'I just have some business over at Warner Bros and I need to drive over...are you okay with that?', -'Of course I'm okay with that cutie! If it's work then you have to go okay?', Bradley nodded and hugged her tight, -'I'm just gonna shower and get ready', -'You already look heavenly though, look at that tan! Contrasts your baby blue eyes just right' she giggled, tickling his stubble.
After a while, Bradley had to say goodbye to Gaga and Gianluca, -'It's been an amazing four days with you Stef' he said holding her hands, -'Yeah, theyve been great, thank you so much', -'Thank YOU for existing! And for already being the best girlfriend', Gaga smiled brightly at him and leaned up to kiss him deeply.
He finished saying his goodbyes and drove off. And suddenly Gaga felt alone. -'Welp. I guess it's you and me little man!', Gianluca giggled sleepily at her and grabbed her nose, -'Stop GiGi'.
Gaga went on with her bedtime routine, she made herself her dinner and carried it up so she could watch her precious son sleep beside her.
And then she thought about how lucky she was. She put a little baby hat on Gi since it had gotten pretty cold, she covered him with favorite blanket and let him sleep soundly beside her.
A question lingered in her mind though, and she had ni answer for it.
She thought Mark was developing feelings for her again and she couldnt deal with that.

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