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Gaga was making breakfast naked when Bradley came down the stairs, -'Jesus Christ woman, why-', -'I no longer get a chance to cook naked so I thought I could just surprise you!', Bradley sighed deeply and went to hold her waist, -'You're gonna make me get a boner again'. Gaga turned around from chopping some peppers. Her skin was milky white, she smelled sweet like cocoa lotion, she had lost a lot of weight and now her muscular anatomy was standing out more than ever. It was sexy though, her prominent collar bone and shoulders, and cheekbones for eternity. A big, wide, minty smile crept up her face. Her face. Fresh as a lettuce all the goddamn time. Her big almond shaped eyes glistening green against his sky blue ones. She was really breathtaking, -'I appreciate your nakedness, don't worry', Gaga chuckled and held his hands, -'Did you slept well?', -'Yeah of course!', -'Good' she replied, kissing him deeply, -'But now! I'm gonna make us some breakfast', -'And did you called Gianluca?', -'Yeah, Mark said he slept right through so I'm not really worried about nighttime anymore', -'Great. So what are we gonna do today?', -'I thought about skinny dipping if youre up for it', -'YES', Bradley wanted to milk every second he could admire Gaga's naked body.
-'Welp, someone likes me naked!' She smiled, baking their breakfast, -'Is that a question or a statement?', -'Def a statement', Bradley smiled and nodded, -'I can't resist!'.
After a delicious breakfast inside, Gaga held Bradley's hand, took some towels and walked into the pool, -'Now! You know the rules of skinny dipping Bradley! You need to take THOSE off', she grinned, pointing at his pants, she floated on her back observing him remove his clothes, -'Well, shit' she smiled, raising a perfectly sharp eyebrow, Bradley chuckled and jumped in, -'Now come here', Gaga giggled and swam into his arms, -'Ahh its so comfy here' she smiled, snuggling into his arms, -'You're comfy as well, you're easy to hug', -'Convenient for you, I'm five foot tall haha', Bradley stared at her and lifted her up on his lap, -'Watcha say we have sone fun?', Gaga grinned, -'Damn, what has gotten into you?', -'It's just your body is too much for me'. He held her ass in his hands and placed her gently on his dick, Gaga leaned into him and bit his shoulder while rocking on it, the stroke of the warm water against her secret parts was just too much and it simply felt amazing, -'I've never-done it- underwater' she whimpered, -'Theres a first time for everything'.

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