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-'Jesus Christ I'm fucking dying' Gaga complained, laying her head flat on the kitchen table as Cynthia made her some chicken soup, -'Girl I need you to be well today for your son's first birthday', -'I know mother, that's why you're making me chicken soup', -'Drink your water', -'Mhmmm...when is dad coming back with Gianluca?', -'I don't know, he told me they were gonna buy the birthday cake and the food...', Gaga nodded gently, -'Mark is coming, mom', -'Oh. Is he?', -'Yeah...Josephine moved back with him again, so things are going better. She's accepting reality...we talked the other day and we cried and all. Took us a while but we are friends again I guess', Cynthia nodded, stirring the soup, -'I'm glad things are going better', -'Mhhm...my head is fucking killing me', -'Stefani drink the Panadol with the water. Do me that favour at least', -'Mom I heard you! Stop!'.
Five minutes later, Gaga was eating the soup like crazy. It was honestly delicious and it made her feel better so it was win/win.
After her soup and some more water to help her pee the last traces of alcohol in her body, Gaga took a cold shower and wore on a cute dress for the little birthday party she was gonna throw.
The apartment's doorbell rang: it was Joe and Gianluca. Gaga smiled wide, seeing her baby who was now 1, -'Well hello little man! How's mommy's tiny little champ?', Gian squealed with excitement at the sound of his mom's voice and held onto her tightly, -'Thanks for the cake dad, it's super super cute', Joe smiled at her and patted her shoulder -'Of course Loops', -'Did you have fun with grandpa my birthday boy? Huh?'.

Mark rang the doorbell a few hours later. Cynthia, Joe, Natali, Sara, Freddie, Sonja and Bobby were all outside in the balcony where a considerable amount of food was being cooked, -'Hey' Gaga greeted him with a hug, -'Hello, how are you?', -'I'm good! Where's Jo?', -'Ah she...she's not ready for...all this' he responded, grabbing his son from Gaga's arms. Gaga nodded sadly, but then smiled again when she saw how happy Gianluca was to see his dad, -'What did you brought him this time?' Gaga chuckled, taking the gift back from his hand, -'You'll see later when we open the gifts, right little man?'. Even though Gianluca's relationship with his dad was complicated, whenever he saw him he always felt extremely excited and that made Gaga's heart very very happy. Mark wasn't able to raise him properly, but he was okay with Joe stepping in and teaching him a lot of the basics of being a boy. Even if Gian was only a year old.

Gaga's cellphone rang while she was in the middle of slicing some green beans for her son, -'Hey Brad...Yeah! Yeah we're all here! Yeah there's food and a cake and all! Of COURSE! Okay. Okay I'll be waiting!', Sonja chuckled at her with a piece of rib in her mouth, -'Was that Bradley fugging Cooper?', -'Yes, he said he's coming to greet us for a while', -'That's sweet', -'It is'.

-'Maaa' Gaga heard Gianluca moan from a seat near her, -'Mark what are you doing?' She chuckled, -'He just...has sauce on his face and won't let me clean it off!', Gaga shook her head and smiled -'Let me have him, you're a mess', -'Ha ha, hilarious Stef'.
Mark noticed something as thw afternoon rolled in. Gaga talked to Gianluca a lot. She had sat him on the table facing herself and was holding his little hands, just talking to him. The little boy stared at her and ocassionally laughed at his mom's funny faces. This told Mark one thing though. She felt lonely.

A few minutes later, Bradley appeared into the balcony full of people. They greeted him warmly as he made his way in and said hello back. Gaga smiled brightly at him and even let him hold her precious baby treasure, -'He likes you, B!' Gaga smiled, seeing how Gianluca nestled on Bradley's arms, -'OR he's just tired snd youre just saying that'.
Yep, Gianluca was tired, but not tired enough to miss cake time. Mark held him tightly as everyone gathered and sang happy birthday to their beloved little boy.
After sharing a bit of vanilla cake with his mamma, Gianluca fell asleep, -'Oooh nooo, he didnt get to open the presents' Bradley pointed out. He had brought a very cool gift and he was hoping Gianluca wouldnt fall asleep but that wasnt the case.
Gaga put her son in his crib with his paci as night rolled in New York City. The landscape lit up and became a little loud. Cynthia, Joe and the other guests decided to leave, which left Bradley, Mark and Gaga sitting in the balcony.
-'So, I didn't know you were as close to her to come here to gian's birthday' Brad said, sipping wine, Gaga almost choked, -'Yeah well...' Mark responded, looking over at Gaga flr validation. She hesitated for a second and then nodded, -'Gianluca's my son', this time, It was Bradley who almost died choking, -'What', -'Yup...', -'Thats insane, man'. Gaga laughed, -'It is what it is!', -'Yeah but...is crazy!', -'We've gotten over it, trust me'.
Eventually, Mark had to leave too.
It was 10 pm and Josephine was worried.
Which left Gaga and Bradley almost alone in the flat.
-'So Mark is the dad...what, is he Gianluca Ronson?', -'No, its Gianluca Germanotta...the media has no clue, Bradley. Only close family and friends', -'Of course! Of course...still crazy', -'Welp! It was complicated at first but we figured it out and now it works'.
-'I can tell youre lonely, Stef' Bradley suddenly said, -'Why you say that', -'Just. By the way you talk to your baby...one can tell'. Gaga started crying almost immediately, he embraced her tightly not really knowing what to say and frelimg guilty he triggered her.

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