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-'Will I still be able to modulate when I sing?' Gaga whispered, breastfeeding her daughter, -'Yes, yes you will. There was no further damage to the throat or so, you'll be fine after you recover', -'Thank you'.
Bradley nodded and shook the doctor's hand, -'Thanks doc', -'I'll leave you two alone' the nice man smiled, closing the door behind him, -'Natali is up and wslking already', Gaga said, closing her eyes, -'Yes. She's unharmed', -'He hit me in the face a few times. Banged my head on the floor as they left. He pointed at Joanne with a knife and then the gun', Bradley shook his head and held her hand gently, -'I'm sorry you had to go through that', -'I wanna move. These men knew where I lived. They must've studied every security flaw. Every window, every door. I don't want Gianluca and Joanne living in that house', Bradley nodded, -'Of course baby, of course...', Gaga wiped her eyes, -'I was so scared I peed myself...I thought we were gonna die' she cried, Bradley cuddled her gently and kissed his daughter's head, -'Youre safe Stef. We'll find a new house and I swear on my life I will never leave you alone again, hear me?', Gaga nodded and sniffled, -'Thank you, they just were so close to...Joanne and shit, I was just completely helpless'.

-'Mommy you will be okis', Gianluca cuddled with his mom on her hospital bed, -'We'll all be okay Gi, we're gonnq get a new house', Gianluca frowned, -'Pool?', -'Yeah, with a pool too', -'Goodies' he sighed, he then looked up at her and kissed her, -'I wuv you mommy', -'I love you too champ, so so much. And Joanne loves you too', Gianluca smiled and nodded, playing with a little lego figure he had brought with him.

Natali, Cynthia, Joe and Gaga embraced for a while. Tears rolled down her mother's eyes, -'Mom don't cry' Gaga whispered, stroking her mom's blonde hair, -'I'm just grateful you two are safe', Natali eyed Gaga, she knew her sister was still extremely nervous, -'Yes mom, we are grateful too' she tried to smile but failed, -'Oh Nats. Come here', Joe hugged his daughter tight, -'The doctor told us Natali is completely ready to go home, but he told us that you have to be here for a few more days', Gaga nodded and looked down, -'After all that happened just a few weeks ago with the birth complications. And now this...This is way more traumatizing. I'm gonna move', -'Move?', -'Yes. Still in Malibu but...I dont feel safe in that house again', Cynthia nodded and kissed her head, -'I support you bubby. I do'.

-'So this is in the neighborhood next to ours. It has ocean view, a lot of patio, a barn but not as big as our current, a pool and all', -'How many bedrooms?' Gaga asked as her husband showed her pictures of houses on her iPad, -'Four', Mark chuckled from the couch on the corner while his son played beside him, -'She needs at least 5 for all the clothes shes got', Bradley smiled and shook his head, -'It looks pretty good to me baby! I mean it has a good size basement for a studio, two gates, lots of space for the kids...space for the animals...', Gaha sighed deeply, -'How much is it?', -'15M. The owner is moving countries so it's a bargain really', Gaga looked at more pictures and nodded, -'I like that one', -'Should I schedule an appointment for next week when you get out of the hospital?', -'No. i wanna move in next week', Bradley stared at her for a second, -'Of course', -'Put mine on sale, 22M', Bradley nodded and started making some calls about it.
-'Daddy I wanna go to mommy', Gianluca whispered, putting down the gummybears his dad gave him as a treat, -'No, no. She and your little sister are asleep okay? Let her rest', Gianluca nodded and looked on as Bradley sat down beside them, -'So, what do you think is gonna go down back at home', Bradley sighed deeply, -'I except paranoia. Anxiety. And I totally understand, like fully. This situation is completely insane, and she was in such a fragile state already, for someone to break that...its gonna be a huge hit for her', Mark nodded -'Shes strong though, look at all shes been through', -'Yes. And she's fueled even more with the kids. She will pull through once we move out but I do think she'll deal with things first', -'She wants to move like, yesterday' , -'I understand her, Bradley. She has two small children and this situation was very eye opening to her', -'Yes, I know that', -'Whateve you need just call me okay? I'm avaible for anytjing'.

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