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-'So Gianluca is coming back today', -'Oh yeah, at what time?', -'I guess like, at night, I don't really know', Bradley nodded and held her hand, stroking the pink diamond bracelet, -'You miss him?', -'Oh god yes. I miss him so so much! I cant wait to have my baby back'.
-'And after lunch? What donwe do?', Gaga sighed and looked back at Bradley, -'You know, it's fun fucking on the couch', Bradley laughed and hugged her by the waist, -'What bug bit you?!', -'Bradley Cooper...I've been sex starved for more than a year, my hormones are just-', -'Ahhh blame it on the hormones Stef' he laughed, kissing her shoulder.
Gaga and her new boyfriends prepared some home made pizza in the natural oven she had built outside, -'This is how pizza is made in Italia. Buenisimo'.

-'No, but this sausage and pepper pizza is slayin my existance' Gaga smiled, sipping some wine, -'You're tipsy' Beadley chuckled, -'No I'm not...I haven't even finished a bottle', -'Nah I know you can gulp down TWO bottles in one night and not die!', -'I'm a wine mom leave me alone'.

-'Oh god lets just do it right here' Gaga said urgently, pushing Bradley into the living room couch and hopping on his dick, he held her waist firmly and pulled her down to kiss her while she rammed herself down on his dick and grabbed his neck gently. He bit her shoulder and left a bruise there and then gave her a hickey on both of her tits, -'These are simply amazing' he said, cupping her boobs with his hands, -'They're all yours baby, come on, suck them'.
The two were so busy in their fiery embrace that they didnt heard the front gate opening an closing. Didn't heard two car doors closing and certainly didnt heard the sound of shoes on gravel and a baby babbling.

Mark dropped his keys on accident on the WELCOME carpet, picked them up and fumbled with them to open the main door. It was heavier than it looked because it was wooden and had a protective metal structure inside it; -'You'll see mommy soon, Gian-', he stopped in his tracks when the first thing he saw was his baby's mother ramming down on a dick and spitting unspeakable words into the air. Her cheeks were red, her hair was sweaty and her lips were swollen from all the kissing and pulling; -'STEFANI' he yelled, covering Gianluca's eyes, Gaga stopped moaning immediately and gasped for air before slipping off Bradley's hardened cock, she stumbled around grabbing at the woolen couch cover and pulling it around her body, -'MARK! You didn't...You didn'tbtell me you were coming!', -'I CALLED. I opened the gate. I even rang the bell Stefani!', Gaga stroked her hair back and wiped off the sweat from her face, -'I-I'm sorry, I'm so...embarassed I guess', -'You should be. I'm taking him again, he doesnt need to see this. FINISH! For fucks sake! Since you're fucking dripping on the floor', Gaga looked down and rolled her eyes, he was right, she was a waterfall, -'Mark dont take my son away from me any longer', -'He is MY son too! I will take him anywhere I feel like he is safe!', Bradley appeared beside Gaga with some pants on and sighed, -'Come on man, we didnt mean it', -'Wha- You dont have a say here! This is between me and her! And I am taking him for a few more days, I am fucking sorry, I'm just...he doesnt need this', Gaga cried and clung to his jacket, -'Mark please give him back!', she then grabbed Gianluca's arm and tried to pull him to her, -'NO! I'll bring him over next week', -'Mark no! Please don't do this!', -'...if you wanna see him, you know where we'll be', and with that he legt. He and their son. Gaga wanted to faint. Her legs felt week and her throat clenched shut, Bradley held her and took her to the couch, -'He cant do this to me!', -'Stef I thinj its fair where he's coming from, I mean I understand his frustration', -'He just...sped off. Just like that...I need to get him back like TODAY.'

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