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-'So I'm going back to Malibu...'Gaga said, while trying to make Gian eats his yogurt, -'...Are you?', -'Yeah, I mean after all that promo here...I wanna spend some time home before starting promo over in L.A', Bradley nodded and sipped his orange juice, -'I mean it's fine, it's your decision', -'Yeah, and I want GiGi to have a garden again haha', -'...Can I go visit you some time?', -'Yes of course! We would really like that!'.

-'Are you moving Bradley into Malibu?' Mark asked her, clearly not pleased, -'...No! He'll just visit me and stay there for a while and-', -'You know what I'm thinking? Is he'll be there with you all the time, like I wasn't when I missed the birth of my son', -'MARK. Mark Mark, what are you talking about, man?! You KNEW our circumstances back then! You just cannot compare', -'You're doing what I asked you to not do...', -'I told you he promised we'll be serious!', -'Right. When are you leaving?', -'Tomorrow...but you can go visit whenever you want', Mark nodded, watching Gian playing with his little legos, -'I wish I could keep him with me' he said, he really felt heartbroken, -'Well I'm the mom, I have to keep him with me. But you can come! Stay at my other house and-', -'I'll figure it out', Gaga could hear the irritation in his voice. He was not happy.

-'Come on bubby! It's 5pm, say goodbye to daddy', Gian looked up at Mark and went to hug him cutely, Mark lifted him up and cuddled him tight, kissing his little brunette head, -'You be good okay? Be good on the plane and be good to mommy', -'Come on, give him a smoochies baby' Gaga told little Gi, who gave his dad a big kiss, -'Well isn't he the cutest?'.
-'I'll call you when we land okay?', -'Yeah, take care, be careful!', -'I will, Mark, gee' she said, rolling her eyes jokingly.
As she walked into the car with little gi, she thought about how much Mark loved him, and how his heart hurt whenever he just wasn't there. She hated leaving but she had things to do back in Mali, and she also wanted Gianluca to see the sun and walk in the grass again.

-'So Mark is really pissed about you coming here?' Natali asked her sister, Gaga nodded absently, staring at her son playing on a mat with Asia and Koji, -'I mean, not that we're here...he's just uncomfortable with Bradley getting too close to him', -'And how close is he to you?', -'I mean...we've done it, you know? A couple times. We've gone on dates, he comes a lot to have dinner with us, and he's very good with Gianluca and I'm really grateful for that', Natali nodded and sipped her wine, -'Don't you think he feels like he's missing out on a lot?', -'But he can come whenever he wants, Natali! That's what I honestly do not understand!', -'It's not that easy for him Stef, he has a wife and all that drama, just put yourself in his shoes. Don't you think it's killing him to see another man so close to his son?', Gaga sighed deeply and laid back on the chair, -'I don't know what to think...do you know what he said to me when I told him we were leaving? He asked me if Bradley was coming too..', -'He definetely feels threatened, not because of you, he has greater things to worry about', Gaga nodded and sipped her lemonade. Natali was right. Gaga was being too harsh on Mark. But Bradleyw as wonderful so she really wanted him in her life.
-'Come on little bugger, it is time for a little nap!' Gaga said, putting down her lemonade and grabbing her little son, who protested immediately, -'No, no tantrums! You know better, Gianluca or you'll sleep witjout your paci', as soon as he heard that word, he stopped trying to pull his mom's hair, -'Okay, we'll let you nap here' she laid him on a cushioned mat in the living room floor under the ceiling fan and handed him his paci which he gleefully accepted, -'That's how we do, Gigi! Good behaviour always brings in good stuff'. She sat on the couch until he finally fell asleep.
-'So?', -'Out for the count', Natali smiled, she loved being an aunt, -'The last time I was here was a while ago, sis!', -'Yeah, it was when Gian was only little', -'Exactly...it's a big house, I'd understand why you feel so...small in here', Gaga nodded at her sister, -'I mean for the longest time Taylor and I lived here just the two of us...but now it's just me and little Gi', -'So you feel like you need someone?', Gaga sighed deeply, -'I feel like I want someone. But I only need Gianluca...you know what I mean? Like if my man doesn't like him or whatever then it's done. Because my son is first and...I've told Bradley this', -'Does it bother him?', -'No, not at all! I say to him Gianluca is the only time I ever fell inlove at first sight and he just agrees with me, he really loves the little guy', Natali chuckled and held her hand, -'Just don't rush so much into anything alright? Y'all just have fun, go on dates, wear a condom and-', -'Natali!'.

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