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Mark shut the door to the balcony behind him so hard he almost shattered the glass.
-'Stefani, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!', -'Mark! Mark I dont know what happened, I-', -'I do know! He called your boyfriend DAD! How the fuck did that happen?!',Gaga sighed deeply and rubbed her temples, -'I'm sorry, He's never said that before! You know him! You know he calls you daddy all the time!', -'Well not this time. And it's breaking my heart', Gaga teared up and hugged him, -'You've always been here for us, and thats something that no one can take away from you...you know you dont have to pay his bills or anything but you do. You're with him all the time and I know now how much it hurts, I'm sorry', he hugged her back and she felt his tears falling on her shoulder, that little boy was everything he had...or at least he thought so, -'Josephine's pregnant Stef', Gaga pulled away and looked into his eyes, -'This is a good thing, right?', Mark nodded and wiped his tears, -'I just really need you to fix this for me...I dont wanna feel like I'm nothing or no one in his life', Gaga raised an eyebrow and sighed, -'Alright, I will try to fix it...so when did you found out about Josephine?', -'Uhmm just a few weeks ago, I just kept it quiet...I'm quite excited', Gaga smiled wide, -'I'm sure you are' she hugged him again. She always liked to hug people. It felt like a true exchange between two souls.
-'Get in there, I dont want him to see you sad. Don't say anything to Bradley, it's not his fault you know? And it's not Gianluca's fault either. So go in, hug your son and eat those cookies you got them', Mark smiled at her and kissed her cheek, -'You know, for such a tall and tough looking guy, youre such a softy!'.

-'Hey, hey Gianluca' Mark called him, the little boy turned around and smiled wide, giggling like he was being tickled, -'Come on, you want me to hold you?' He asked, Gi nodded and held his dad's hand, while he picked him up and kissed his head full of curls.
-'I wanna know whoo you got those curls from!' Mark asked, Gaga smiled -'I had a head of curls when I was little, so thats where he comes from, haha'.

Bradley grabbed Gaga's arm and dragged her to the kitchen, -'i'm sorry about what happened back there, Gian has never called me dad and-', -'I think he just got confused, I dont know...', Bradley sighed, -'Should I apologize?', -'No, baby. I talked to him, he cried, he was mad and all but I got to calm him down and he-he told me his wife is pregnant', -'Oh my God really?', -'Yeah! Can you believe Gianluca's gonna be a big brother?', Bradley smiled, -'Ah thats so cute I'm so happy for him!', -'Mark a good man. And an even better father. I'm actually happy hes here with us'.

-'Stef! This turkey and sweet rice is excellent, you outdid yourself' Joe said, -'Thank you, I try'.
Her parents, Mark, Bradley, her son and her were dining before singing happy birthday and opening presents.
Mark frowned and looked at his son silently making a mess of himself, -'Joe can you get his plate? He's literally going insane with all that alone', Cynthia chuckled and grabbed him, -'You'll share with me, you little mess'.

-'OMG THE CAKE IS SO CUTE' Natali said, she got there just in time after an evening with her boyfriend, -'You timed your way here just to eat cake get the fuck out' Gaga cackled, hugging her sister.

-'DON'T LET GIANLUCA LEAN ON THE CAKE' Gaga laughed, making Bradley hold her son away, he recalled the anecdote she told him at the store and laughed with her.
-'Ah I hate when y'all sing this' she whispered and smile while her loved ones sung happy birthday to her.
She made a secret wish and blew all 32 candles on her little cake.

-'Oh my God thank you, Mark this is so sweet!', she opened a box with a pair of pink crystal button earrings, -'Ah these are so sparkly, Thank you man' she smiled, hugging him tight.
-'This one is from Gianluca' Mark said, holding out a big box. Gaga opened and gasped, a pair of bedazzled Chanel boots. Absolutely stunning. -'Are you kidding?! These are so beautiful! Thank you baby!' She smiled, hugging her little baby and kissing him gratefully, -'Thank you for your gift, love'.
-'Babe, here are your gifts', Bradkey said, sitting her down on his lap, she gave him a little grin and opened the first box. The one with the rose gold watch, she gasped and held it in her hands, it was a little heavy, -'Oh. My god. Oh my GOD! I love it!', -'No, but look what's in the reverse!', -'SJAG, ah my initials!' , -'No no, in the clock', Gaga squinted and teared up, -'Forever....that is incredibly incredibly sweet, THANK YOU' she cried, kissing him deeply and hugging him, -'Theres another one come on, open it. I think you'll really like it', Cynthia gave the Gianluca a small velvet box and instructed him to give it to his monmy, -'Mamma' he called, tugging at her shirt and holding the box, -'Aww is this for me?', Gian giggled and nestled beside her, she pulled him into her lap and opened the box, -'AWWW! A crystal heart babe?' She pouted, looking at Bradley, -'Open it! It has something inside, she did and revealed Gianluca's pic. It was perfect, she bursted into tears, -'So this is my heart?' She sobbed, Bradley nodded an dkissed her deeply, -'Thank you babe, this is so special to me' she cried, nestling into his chest and then grabbing Gianluca and kissing him.

It was about 9pm now and Bradley had gone out with Joe since he asked him to help him in the restaurant with something.
Gaga was hanging outside with Mark and Gian, -'So are you excited for having another kid?', -'Ah yes, I'm so excited. I'm so happy...do you promise you're gonna let Gianluca see his little sister or brother?', -'Yes I do. I do promise, you'll be able to take him for a while and all. He'll be older as well', -'I'm excited but a bit nervous as well, you know?', -'I guess it's normal...I was nervous too, trust me. But everything falls into place in the end, babe' she said, sipping on her wine. She looked over at Mark, Gian had fallen asleep on him, -'I feel like I cant move a muscle', Gaga giggled and went to take him. That's when Mark saw the chance and kissed her.

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