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-'So youre completely fine now, right?' Ryan Seacrest asked her through the phone
-'Yes, 100% fine! I'm so happy and blessed to have overcome that rough patch and I'm so grateful for my daughter and my son, everything's been going so well'
-'So, you told us back in February at the Oscars that you were gonna put new music out this year'
-'Yes, yes of course! That's still on foot by the way'
-'And what are we dealing with here, songs? Videos?'
-'Definetely all that, but that'll be later in the year, Joanne is just a month old so I have to be with her a lot and I can't travel yet, so it's all gonna be released towards the last quarter of the year'
-'Ah excellent! So tell me, is it any different now? Your life?'
-'Noo not exactly, I'm still taking care of my health very very closely, and for now I'm just resting up a little bit and enjoying my daughter and being with my family yep'
-'Have you and Bradley ever thought about doing a movie together?'
Gaga chuckled and sighed
-'I mean of course! We collaborated last year for that soundtrack and we won the Oscar this year, but yeah, a movie has always been in our thoughts. I hope so!'
-'It's always such a delight talking to you Gaga'
-'Thanks to you Ryan! Talk to you later'

Gaga hung up the phone and rolled her eyes, -'He's so annoying' she chuckled to herself, Bradley held her bu the waist and kissed her head, -'He is...come on, get back in bed, you shouldnt be walking too much yet', -'Babe, I'm not handicapped' she pouted, poking his nose, -'I know but...its just precaution, shut up' he smiled, -'I'm so tired...I'm barely getting any sleep' she sighed, walking to their room where Joanne Lorena was asleep, -'Do you want some coffee? Something to gnaw on?', -'...Yeah, garlic bread and a coke please thank you', -'Okay, you got it baby'.

Gaga laid back on her bed, it was warm because that's were she spent most of her day in. It was her office, her dining table, her nursery and her sleeping bed all at once. She hadn't been feeling terribly attractive lately either, having anemia meant she couldnt start working out when she wanted to and she couldnt change her diet yet so this was all very frustrating to her.

-'Do you have to leave today?' Gaga pouted at her husband, -'Yeah I have to...I'll be back next week baby', Gaga sighed and nodded, -'Yeah I guess', -'Your mom and my mom are coming tomorrow though, right?', -'Yeah...', -'And Mark has Gianluca so, you'll be fine here with this peaceful little bugger! Plus Ashley and Nat are downstairs', Gaga teared up and nodded -'Please dont leave' she begged, whispering, Bradley sighed deeply, he hated leaving her but he had to work. He had to go to Florida to review a script he was being offered, -'Baby you know I can't stay', -'I know...I had to try' she sobbed, hugging him tightly, -'Take care of yourself Stef, I'll call you twice a day...you'll be fine, hear me? Take your medicine, take it easy...and you'll be fine, I'll be here before you know it', Gaga nodded with teary eyes and looked beside her to see her small daughter sleeping, -'Say bye to her, give her a kiss. I promise she wont wake up' she chuckled, grabbing Bradley's hand, he smiled and held his girl in his arms and kissed her, -'Now, she looks extremely peacefull and I really dont wanna wake her up', Gaga smiled and held his face, before kissing him deeply, -'I love you babe. Be safe okay? Tell me when youre boarding the plane', Bradley nodded, -'Yes ma'am...I love you too honey, you'll be okay', -'I'll miss you though', -'I know, I'll miss you too. But you'll be okay and I'll be here soon'. They kissed and hugged and he went out the door.
Gaga sat on the bed looking at her bedroom door for a while before laying back and staring at her baby daughter. She was sleeping with no worries in the world. Gaga smiled and fell asleep beside her.

When she woke up, it was only half an hour later, she got up slowly and wnet to the bathroom to freshen up. She was feeling incredibly depressed, and she knew someone who had felt the same depression as her. In his earlier years of course.

-'Hey, popstar' Mark chuckled, making his way into her messy bedroom, -'Hey...I'm sorry this looks like a mess, I've been doing everything here' she sighed, moving her laptop so Mark could sit on the spot beside her, she was breastfeeding her daughter but neither of them felt awkward about it.
-'I've seen you doing this before, Stef' he said, Gaga nodded at him. Four years ago. She went into depression after Taylor left and she was binge eating and letting herself just go.
-'I know, this is how I cope', she said tearfully, Mark stared at her for a while, -'I think youre depressed', -'Yeah...', -'Why is that? You pulled through off that terrible situation and you have a daughter and-', -'I'm depressed because I feel useless and ugly and fat...and I can barely walk and I cant go out', -'Right, isolation', Gaga nodded with big tearful eyes, -'Aww Stef...would it help if Gianluca came?', -'No, no. I mean, of course he loved Joanne Lorena when he saw her and all but I dont have the energy yet to look after him', Mark nodded, -'I understand...and whats Bradley doing for you?', -'He-He had to leave' she cried, wiping her tears quickly, -'He'll come back next week', Mark was taken aback by her sudden cries, but he understood she felt alone.
-'I can keep you company if you want, of course'.

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