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-'Yes! Hello, my wife is bleeding and-and', -'No, hold on, why is she bleeding?', -'She gave birth a few hours ago and she hasn't stopped bleeding', -'Okay, I'll send a nurse', -'The midwife is here, I don't know if y'all need her or-', -'Ask her to leave please, she's no good for us in here'.

Bradley came back to the waiting room to check on his wife, -'Babe they're gonna send a nurse and all that. You'll be fine', Gaga nodded sleepily and continued holding her daugjter into her sweatshirt, -'I think she was cold' she chuckled, Bradley stopped to look at his daughter, this was really the best thing he's ever done. Not a movie, not a song, not an Oscar. Hell not even his wedding, could compare to hiw beautiful Joanne Lorena was.
-'I'm ruining the chair' Gaga sighed, blood was staining the brown waiting room chair, -'Right, okay, we have to get you in that ER now' Reese said, Bradley sighed, -'They said they dont want you in there', Reese frowned and rolled her eyes, -'I'll wait here then', Bradley grabbed a wheelchair and made sure Gaga was holding Joanne tight enough, -'You're gonna be fine Stef', -'I know, I know' she sobbed, watching her dainty daughter sleep peacefully in her arms, -'Is she okay?', -'Yeah she's okay' she smiled as much as she could, which wasn't a whole lot anyway.
Gaga's wheelchair left a trail of blood behind it, and she felt like fading. The fact that it was her blood made her feel even worse.
Doctors stopped in their tracks when they saw Bradley pushing Gaga in a bloody wheelchair, -'I feel nasty' she mumbled, before fainting completely.
A few nurses came up to them faster than the blink of an eye, Bradley grabbed her daughter and cuddled her inside his coat, -'We'll take her from here sir' said one of the young nurses before leaving with his wife, seconds before Bradley could protest another nurse came over with a hospital form, -'Hey sir. My name is Liza, I'd like to ask you a few questions', Bradley looked down at her still sleeping daughter and nodded, -'Yes', -'When did you first noticed the bleeding?', -'About an hour ago, we were in our room after she, you know, gave birth and all, and the bleeding wouldnt stop so we decided to come here', -'Do you know where the bleeding is coming from? Lacerations? Anything?', -'Not really, I think she ripped but she's losing so much blood, I am really really worried', his voice broke and his eyes watered, he wasnt ready to lose his wife, -'We'll try our best sir, if you need anything just ask for me okay?', Bradley nodded and the nurse left.
He forgot he hadn't told anyone his daughter was even born so he first called his mother to tell her the situation with Stef, and then her parents so they could come to the hospital. He texted Mark, but it was late so he didnt expected an immediate reply.
The waiting room was relatively empty, it was 12mn after all, so he laid back on a chair trying to not disturb his daughter and laid back, making sure she was warm and comfy.

-'Okay girls, she's losing blood at an alarming rate, she doesnt have cuts, the afterbirth is all expelled, but we still have major bleeding, we've been trying for hours and her bleeding does not stop, I think we're gonna need a blood transfusion, Gaga was barely conscious but she definetely listened to that last part, -'Why a transfusion?', the doctors looked at her and sighed, -'You havent stopped bleeding and we have tried everything', Gaga started crying almost instantly, -'Can I see my husband and my daughter?', -'Sure thing miss'.

-'A blood transfusion?' Bradley frowned, -'Yes babe. They need to. I'm still losing blood', -'Oh god. This was supposed to be much different', Gaga nodded and looked down at her daughter, -'At least she's healthy. I'm happy she's fine', Bradley nodded and kissed his wife gently, -'Lets let the doctors work'.

The nurses let Gaga breastfeed her newborn dayghter while an IV passed new, fresh blood into her system. She was told she needed to be in bed rest for the next few weeks which was terrible but probably for the best. Mark responded to Bradley's text in the morning and shot out to meet him at the hospital.
-'This is crazy' he commented, outside of Gaga's room.
-'Yeah, shes grateful that at least Joanne Lorena is fine'
-'Congratulations on that baby, she's beautiful'
Bradley smiled wide and nodded, -'Thank you...now I'm just worried about Stef, doctors said she'd have hints of anemia so she wouldnt have the energy to do things for a while'
-'I can keep Gianluca for some more time, until shes well'
Bradley nodded gratefully and patted his back,
-'Well, I'll leave you two alone. I just wanted to see how she was'
-'Thanks Mark, we'll see you later'.

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