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-'You wanna go Christmas shopping with us?' Gaga asked Bradley as he lounged around in her Malibu poolside chairs, -'SURE! I'd love to!', -'Good!', -'Us meaning you, me and who else though?', -'You, me and Gianluca!', -'...So he doesn't believe in Santa?', -'Listen, I don't have time for all that Santa shit, trust me' she laughed, getting up and grabbing Gianluca from under an umbrella, -'I'm gonna shower with him just to save some time and you can just shower in one of them rooms okay? I wanna go early to avoid traffic so getcho ass up', Bradley pouted at her, -'Okay, whatever you say' he smiled, kissing her gently and caressing Gian's little foot.

-'All ready little man, let's go buy you some Christmas presents shall we?', -'So this is the first Christmas that he's gonna be kind of conscious?', -'Yeah, last Christmas he was too small, so this is important!', -'Excellent. Want me to drive?', -'Yeah sure, just let me strap him in his little seat'.

-'...What could a baby his age want?', -'I'm actually just restocking in toys, we just gave away almost all of them to charity and honestly Mark is the only one who gifts him toys, I just dont like wasting a lot of money on that...unless they're educative and help his motor skills, so we're looking for that!', -'Right. He's looking around everywhere' Bradley said, Gaga looked down at Gianluca sitting in the little shopping cart, -'Are you excited little man? We're stocking up!', -'So...does Mark spend Christmas with y'all?', -'Not this year, he's going to Josephine's parent's home...but he's coming around the 26th', -'Ah, great...I'm going to my parent's as well', -'Good! I'll save you leftover', Bradley could hear the dissapointment in Gaga's voice. She was technically spending Christmas without her baby's father OR her current uhmmm something.
He heard it clearly. The sadness. But he couldn't just drop his plans with his parents.
-'I'm gonna send Gianluca a gift', Gaga looked up and smiled, -'Will you really do that?', -'Of course!', -'Awww thank you! You're so sweet', she said, kissing him gently, Gianluca frowned and pulled Gaga's long necklace, -'HEY, what are you jealous, GiGi? I'll just kiss you too then!' She smiled, giving him a little kiss.

After their little shoppimg spree *very little*, they decided to have lunch somewhere, -'We can go to this italian restaurant by the beach, my dad said he would meet us there', -'Yes of course!', -'I think my dad is down there, he'll be happy to see us'.

At the sight of his grandpa approaching, Gianluca dropped his paci and outstretched his arms, -'PAPA', -'You're so loud! Stop screaming' Gaga chuckled as the whole restaurant looked at them, -'Hello Gi!' Joe greeted him happily while lifting him up in his arms, -'Hi dad', -'Hello sir', Joe smiled wide at them and invited them to sit at his table, -' Inalready ordered some shrimp while we decide on what to eat', -'We just came back from some Christmas shopping', -'Can you believe she says she has not time for Gianluca to believe in Santa?', Joe said, looking at Bradley, -'Seems like he's gonna be the party pooper to the kids when he goes to kindergarten' Bradley said, poking Gi's nose, -'Aren't you a papa's boy huh?' he smiled at Gianluca fitting snug in his grandpa's arms, -'Since he was in the womb. My dad kept talking to him and he helped me raise him even now so they're really really close'.

***DEC 24th***
-'My baby looks so GOOD!' Gaga smiled, taking a picture of Gianluca to post on Instagram, she tickled his belly and looked at the Christmas card she had designed again, it was a cute pic of her and Gian being silly "Merry Christmas from Stefani and Gianluca Germanotta", -'We look so cute dont we?' Gaga said, holding her little son put and showing him the card, he was curious towards the shiny borders of it and poked them, -'Yep! I think we're pretty cute' she agreed, kissing Gian's chubby cheek, -'Now, papa and nana are waiting outside! I can'tbwait for them to see you in your little outfit!'.
Gaga was wearing a tight red pantsuit with golden accesories and her hair was in a sidebraid, just sinply gorgeous. Gi was wearing a very very small fancy red shirt, his little sneakers and a soft fabric pant, -'Well, let me brush this hair of yours, you have SO much of it I never know!' She brushed his hair to the side because that was the only way to control his dark mane and then held him up looking into the mirror, -'We look slayin' kid, let's eat some turkey'.

To be honest, Gaga didn't cared about going to Christmas parties or big events like that, she just liked being with her family sharing a nice dinner, taking pictures and praying for the least fortunate, which also made her feel incredibly blessed.
-'The lack of gifts under that tree would make me think is isn't for Lady Gaga's son', -'Natali! You know I cut down in the toys for a reason! He still has plenty of gifts coming his way from Mark alright? TRUST ME'.

For some reason as the clock hit 12mn and her parents and Natali hugged her, Gaga felt a slew of emotions she could not contain, less so when she saw her son trying to pat away her tears, -'I'm so so happy to be sharing this time with y'all, I love you so much'.
Cynthia knew all this happiness had some sort of sadness behind it, but she didnt wanted to point it out for obvious reasons.
-'MOM! Stop taking pictures, I'm crying, my make up is everywhere', -'No! This is cute!', Gaga rolled her eyes and chuckled.
Gaga went over to the poolside with Gianluca so they could watch the fireworks better, also, she wanted some time alone with him just to take in the Christmas feeling with her little tiny family.
The kid was mesmerized with the many fireworks exploding in the sky, his big green eyes shone as they reflected on them, he pulled up a smile on his face and squeezed Gaga's hand when the lights exploded in the vast, dark sky; Gaga smiled wide at him and kissed his cheek, -'I love you little man, you're my everything and there's no one I would want more than you right now beside me'.
After about half an hour of gazing up at the fireworks and bomding with Gi, she heard some commotion coming from inside the house. She stood up and made out a tall figure with a red cap, she chuckled and lifted up the kid, walking through her garden and inside the house where she found Bradley with a huge grin on his face, -'Oh my GOD You came! I thought you were with your parents!', -'I was! They cut me some slack and let me come here!', -'THANK YOU!' she giggled, kissing him deeply, he hugged her tightly only to make Gianluca protest, -'And merry christmas to you little man! I have some gifts for you!'

Gaga couldn't have asked for a better Christmas. Mark called some time after that and asked for pxtures which Gaga gladly sent. Then he expressed that he wasnt as thrilled to see Bradley there. Gaga wasnt up for that drama.

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