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Bradley was breathless. Gaga really outdid herself. And she was only going on a casual date. She was wearing some jeans with a wjnter coat and a beanie, but something about her made her look almost ethereal, and it certainly made Bradley drool.
-'So what are we ordering?', she asked, trying to break the ice, -'I uhmmm. I think I want the shrimps with some vegetables', -'Aye...I want the parm chicken, I'm starving!', -'Today was a hectic day wasnt it?', -'Yeah, it really was...arent you happy though that the movie is doing so well?', -'YES of course I'm happy! I'm so proud of this project and I'm so excited about people being excited you know what I mean?', Gaga nodded and smiled, 'Exactly...I sometimes say I don't care what people say but come on, at a certain degree we all care, we've put so much effort into this and we obviously do care', Bradley nodded in agreement, -'I agree'.

-'I-listen, I do feel lonely, of course I do, I haven't dated someone in like a year, I think it would be normal for anyone to feel a bit...needy, you know?' Gaga confessed, having a forkful of her chicken, Bradley nodded, -'Yeah its natural for anyone, especially in your circumstsnces you know? I don't think you're needy or anything', -'You don't?', -'Nah...but you can get anyone you want! You've proved this!', Gaga blushed and giggled, -'Oh shut up, MOVING ON!' She joked, waving her hand against his face.

-'This cheesecake is LIFE! How did you found out about this place?', -'I googled...', Gaga frowned and rolled her eyes -'Right, fucking Google' she laughed, licking her lips, -'I'm gonna have to run like a million miles to burn all this', -'Oh come on! Look at you! Your stomach is a rock! Your thighs are-', -'Stooop complimenting me, it's weird' she giggled, blushing, -'No, I get to see you go on baby mode and blush!'.

After paying the bill, Bradley got up the table along with Gaga. The ride to NYC was kind of long-ish, so they had plenty of time to chat. And Gaga had plenty of time to think about her next move.

-'Sooo you wanna come in?', Bradley could read Gaga's eyes from a mile away, her slight mischievous grin was inviting. He gave in.
The couple made their way up into her apartment, the tipsiness caused by the alcohol and just pure horniness really took over them. But this time Gaga made sure she didn't missed her pill.
Joe and Cynthia had taken Gianluca to sleep with them in the spare bedroom so the masterbedroom was all to themselves.
They stumbled in and Gaga locked the door; she pushed Bradley to sit on the edge of the bed and made sure he saw her taking off her clothes. She was wearing black lingerie, fine lace, he guessed. The bra cupped the full tits beautifully, and the thong line dug into her ass and it looked like a Renaissance painting, -'You're perfect' he mumbled, sounded like an old man taking his last breath of life, Gaga giggled and quickly climbed on his lap, kissing him sweetly. She smelled of brown sugar and tobacco, it was a strong fragrance but it was perfect for tha very moment. She grabbed his hands and drove them down to her perfectly round ass, -'Come on, man. Grip it, it's yours for the night' she whispered. Bradley had never heard a talking voice like hers. It was haunting, husky, and whiny at the same time. Just enough to make trhe hairs on his neck stand up.

To Gaga's delight, the sex was passionate and brainless, just how she liked it. He understood her body language, almost like he could smell the hormones radiating off her skin. He gripped her roughly, grabbing on her thighs like they were the last thing on planet Earth. He made her feel a lot of things, and she did too. Her roughness came out as pretty tame softness due to her small size. She was fiery though, like a flamed hurricane. It's been too long, he thought.
After a while, a thousand butterflies fluttered all inside Gga's body, and an electric current made her eyes roll back and her breathing speed up.
She squeezed Bradley's shoulders with her long acrylic nails for a while more before slipping off his delightful grasp.
After a few minutes of blissfull silence, Bradley got up and went to freshen up before collecting his clothes. Gaga observed him attentively, -'...You're so attractive, you know that?' She pointed out, closing her eyes again, -'Well...thanks' he smiled, she raised and eyebrow and sighed, -'I had fun', -'Judging by the sounds you made, I guess you did!', Gaga laughed and threw a pillow at him, -'Smartass.'

Gaga threw on a silk robe on herself and walked Bradley to the door, -'I had a good time Stef', -'Yeah me too, thanks for the lovely dinner...and the workout' she giggled, oh fuck. That little grin in the corner of her mouth. Bradley stared at it for a second, she was a seductive girl, she knew how to get him.
-'Well, I'll see you around...uhmmm..Tomorrow! Remember, more press!', Gaga nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek, letting him go. She closed the door and sighed. What just happened?.

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