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Gianluca woke up from his slumber after noon.
Joe had brought in the boy's favorite food at the moment: mashed potatoes and chicken bits.
Doctor Hart had come in to check his breathing which was still a tiny bit labored but it sounded much better. He gave them the go to check out as soon as Gianluca finished eating, not before prescripting some medicines.
Gaga stared at her little son, who was being fed by his grandpa. Her eyes went through his head full of brown hair, his big green eyes (just like hers) and his bushy eyelashes; to her, he was the most magnificent thing she had ever seen.
-'Dad did you brought him his clothes and his blankie?', Joe nodded and handed the items to her.
-'Come on Gi, it's time for potty yeah?'; this was a habit already, she was trying to teach her son from an early age to be quite independent. The only thing he couldn't quite master yet was walking, which he needed some help with.
After finishing with their routine, Gaga washed him with some warm water with the help of her mom, since there wasn't a bathub avaible she needed some more hands to help her keep Gian still as she used the little hose.
After making sure everything was in order and Gian had his little teddy bear blankie, a nurse came in with the checkout bill. She was a bit shocked by the numbers but it is what it is.
She called Mark and informed him of the situation detailing every expense. He agreed to transfer the money digitally, so she didn't have to worry about that.

Upon their arrival to Gaga's place, she finally realized how tired she was.
-'I'm so tired...' she mumbled, rubbing her eyes, -'Well get some sleep doll, we'll watch him', -'Okay...Come here buddy' she smiled lazily at her son, who happily accepted a smooch from his mommy.
-'If y'all need something or if anything happens, wake me up okay', -'Yes, go!' Cynthia insisted, patting her daughter's pale face.
After a very relaxing warm shower and some pajamas, Gaga fell face first on her bed, covering herself with a blanket and falling into a deep slumber.

She woke up when it was dark outside already, -'Damn, how much did I slept' she wondered, looking at the clock on her bedside table she realized it was 8pm. She heard her son's laughter from outside, -'I'm gonna kill my dad' she rolled her eyes, Gian's bedtime was at 7:30pm.
After refreshing her face and mouth, she decided to go out into the living room, where she found Joe, Cynthia, Natali, Mark and Bradley, all with their attention on little Gi.
-'Am I missing a party or something?' Gaga chuckled from behind, making Bradley almost snap his neck to look at her, -'I'm sorry I just-', -'It's fine, I was about to get mad, I thought my dad had forgotten about his bedtime', Joe shook his head, -'They arrived like an hour ago, dont blame me!'.
-'Watcha got there little man' Gaga asked her little baby, he was completely excited with the gift his dad just gave him, -'You're so spoiled huh? You little rascal', -'I bought him a scale version of your car and he got SO excited when he saw it, I had to take a video' Mark chuckled, Gaga smiled at him tenderly and sat behind him on the couch, caressing his shoulders, -'Thank you, you didn't have to', -'Oh yes I did! To celebrate that he's almost conpletely good now'; Bradley once again felt a little jealous but he knew she was just grateful for all he did. Mark could've just dissapear from the picture but there he was, paying hospital bills and visiting very often.
After a while, pizza was ordered. Gian's favourite, pineapple and pepperoni, -'Son, for some strange reason, you like this damn pizza, and all you do is pick on the pineapple and pepperonis' Gaga chuckled, -'He's simply adorable isn't he' Bradley chuckled at the baby trying to chew some pepperoni, -'Yeah, plain and simple...he loves doing that' Gaga said, rolling her eyes.
-'No no, don't give him any juice, he knows he can't have it' Gaga raised her eyebrow at Bradley who offered some orange juice at Gianluca, -'It's too much sugar and we don't need that at 9pm right, little monkey?'.

After Mark, and her parents and sister left, Bradley decided to stay a little longer. Gaga came back from putting her son to bed, and sat on his lap, giggling like a kid, -'You're such a baby, you know that?', -'Yeah I get that a lot...hey, I wanna thank you for being there for us, really', Bradley smiled at her and kissed her shoulder, -'You know I'll be there...whenever you need something okay? Count on me'. Sex wasn't in Gaga's mind as of right now, she had a very stressful day and she really just wanted to cuddle. Without noticing she fell asleep on him, snoring like a cat, -'Well shit' he giggled gently. He decided he didnt wanted to wake her up and began to doze off too.

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