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-'HOLY FUCKING SHIT' Gaga screamed, as her and Bradley's named were being called at the Oscars. They won for writing, recording and producing the soundtrack to Bradley's movie. Heavy tears fell from Gaga's eyes as everyone around her stood up and touched her shoulder, Bradley was backstage after just having presented an award so she had to walk up there alone until they joined onstage, Bradley came out also completely shocked, ready to accept the 'Best Song from a Motion Picture' Oscar with his wife, two girls in gowns handed Gaga and Bradley their awards, and of course, she was the first to grab the mic, -'Y'all gonna make me go into labor here' she cried, pointing at her 5 month pregnant belly, Bradley chuckled, -'She just won an Oscar and this is the first thing she says' he comments, looking down at his wife, -'I'm gonna talk for both us since she's still crying too hard' he joked, holding her tight, -'Firstly we'd like to thank the producers of this project, the director, the crew and the cast, we'd like to thank our wonderful families....'
His speech went on for almost a minute more in which Gaga tearfully interrupted him from time to time to give her fans a shoutout.

Gaga was still sobbing as they made their way out of the stage, she held onto her husband's arm tightly to prevent from falling, her legs were totally shaking from the excitement, -'This is unreal' she mumbled, holding Bradley's hand extra tight, -'This is...thanks to you' he said, holding her hands and tearing up, -'You brought the talent, the soul into this, and look what we have', Gaga started crying again and kissed him deeply, -'We both did it! Come on...you were the mastermind behind it after all B, don't underestimate yourself' she responded, holding him tight, -'Your belly's on the way' he whispered, and then chuckled, Gaga frowned and looked up, -'Shut up, I'm not fat yet'.

-'Can you believe we're now fucking Oscar winners?' Gaga said, while a photographer was taking their pictures with their awards, -'After 7 nominations I never thought mine would come' Bradley smiled cockily, Gaga raised an eyebrow, -'Youre so so humble babe'. -'Okay guys that'll be all!', -'Thanks man'.

While they were in line to get their award engraved with their names, Bradley just took a moment to look at his small wife. She was wearing now a black jumpsuit which made her look incredibly good for someone 5 months pregnant, she wore her hair up with white flowers clipped into it, -'You look great babe' he said, holding her by the waist, Gaga looked up and smiled, -'You look very very handsome yourself, and that golden accesory makes everything even better' she giggled, nodding at the prestigious statuette.
Nothing made Bradley happier than celebrating this victory with his colleagues, and also, he lowkey wanted to show off his gorgeous wife, -'You know, after two nominations, I feel pretty happy that I was recognized as a writer and part of the producing field, I feel really flattered and grateful' he heard Gaga say into the cameras
-'How special is it to share this victory with your husband also your unborn baby?'
Gaga smiled at this, -'It's very special to be in the company of the person you love, and then the other little person inside you who we so anxiously await, it's beyond words'
-'You're gonna be 34 this year, are you good with that number?'
-'Yeah! I feel better than ever! I'm doing a lot of the things I've always wanted to do, I have a beautiful family and as you can see, things are only gonna get better, I promise! AND I'm so happy to be sharing new music late this year'
-'New music?'
-'Yes, I have some treats ready for my beautiful fans so they musn't worry' she winked and ended the interview at that.

-'Are you okay? Do you wanna go home?'; it was 3am and the afterparty was lit but Bradley worried about his wife, -'I'm good I just wish I could get drunk haha' she smiled, kissing him gently, -'I definetely had a few drinks...I feel peculiar', -'Wow. You really ARE 45' Gaga chuckled, pinching his cheeks, -'Shut up' he smiled, laying his head on her lap, -'Ahh babe come on! Do you wanna leave?' Gaga asked, caressing his hair, -'I think I do' he mumbled, rubbing her small belly, Gaga rolled her eyes and called for her driver to come pick them up and take them home.

-'Seems like you're drunker than expected babe' Gaga chuckled upon their arrival home, she grabbed their awards and went to the crystal shelf they kept on the living room, -'These two will go on top with their envelopes and all', she smiled, then locking the shelf back up.

-'Are you okay in there?' Gaga heard her husband had  hard time getting his tux off while she put on her comfy pajamas, -'Babe get in the damn bed I'll be right there!', -'Welp if you say so!'.
After a while, Bradley emerged from the bathroom and without a word, fell face first on the pillow and went into a deep slumber almost immediately.

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