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-'You know I was watching American Sniper the other day and I cried?' Gaga confessed. It was 4am and everyone had gone to bed  except her and Bradley who decided to stay overnight, -'And did you liked it?', -'I didnt lliked it when you died though' she said with tears in her eyes. So drunk in wine. -'Oh god youre a mess, its time to go to bed Stef', -'No its not! I'm fine', -'No no, no protesting, UP!' He lifted her up in his arms and took her upstairs laying her in her bed, -'Have sex with me!' She pouted while cuddling a blanket, -'No Stef! Youre drunk!', -'Come on! Make hard love to me! Pleeeeease I'm needy here!', Bradley rolled his eyes and took out of her drawers her silk pajamas, -'Put this on', -'Okay' she said, mumbling something he couldnt here. When he looked at her again, he saw her butt naked, -'I even waxed for yuuuu COME ON', -'Stefani, put your panties on and go to sleep', she shook her head and grabbed his arm, -'I only had a little wine, I'm completely fine. I promise', he looked at her in the eye. Her pupils were dilated and the green was reflecting like never before but she had to keep them opened really wide otherwise she would just drop asleep, -'Are you seeing yourself right now?' He asked her, trying to keep the giggle inside his mouth, she frowned and sighed, shooting her hands down to his crotch and trying to remove his pants, -'STEFANI. I said go to sleep! You just had two bottles of wine, sleeping should come rapidly'.
Gaga pouted and laid down, patting the space beside her reluctancly, -'I just wanted a little fuckie but okay', Bradley laughed, -'A little what?', -'FUCKIE! Stop teasing me I hate you', -'Now I know you dont mean that', -'Maybe I do!', -'Nope, I know you dont. Come on, cuddle me', Gaga shook her head, -'Oh come on! Give me a cuddle', Gaga giggled cutely and jumped on his lap.
Which ended in an hour long sex session.

Cynthia came in Gaga's room at about 8am and opened the blinds. -'Mom close the blinds' she mumbled from under Bradley's arms', -'No, you get your ass up and open gifts with your son', -'What day is it', -'December 25th, now come on!', -'I'm tired!', -'No, youre hungover, now come on'. Gaga drew a deep breath and sat on the edge of her bed, she forgot she was completely butt naked, -'Oh my God', Cynthia said rolling her eyes, -'I had sex mommy I'm sorry', -'I don't...just get in the fucking shower', -'Don't curse mom thats bad', Cynthia chuckled and helped Gaga get clean and dressed, -'I need food', -'Your father is making breakfast, now go out there and try to look normal for your kid', -'I stink', -'You dont stink you just took a shower! Now come on', Gaga nodded and before leaving she tickled Bradley's leg, -'GET UP!! GET UP!' She screamed in her ear and ran downstairs. Which wasnt a good idea since she got dizzy.
-'Hey Loops! How are you?', -'My pee smells like wine' she complained, walking over to her son who was sitting in his high chair and sipping his oats, -'Hello baby boy' she smiled, kissing his cheek and tickling him playfully, -'Merry Christmas again you little rascal! I love you so much baby, I do', Gianluca gave her a kiss and put the sippy cup in front of her offering her a gulp of his oats, -'No, that's for you son, we're gonna have breakfast and then we're open some gifts! Isnt that exciting?'.

An hour later both Gaga and Bradley sat down with Gian to open presents, -'I think he likes that talking thing which means...my sleeping hours will be reduced considerably' Gaga chuckled, -'It helps him recognize sounds though!', -'Yeah, as long as he learns something, it's all fine'.

After a while of Gianluca marveling over presents, Joe went to the bedroom he and Cynthia had installed in and came back with Natali holding a box, -'Stef? Mark gave us this gift for us to keep and he wanted you to open it now', Gaga grabbed the box from Natali and hugged her tight, -'Thanks', -'Now open it!'.
Gianluca shifted his attention to his mom since he heard her opening a present.
As soon as Gaga saw what it was, she started crying, Bradley didnt know why exactly because he couldnt see what she was holding until she turned around.
Gaga was holding in her trembling hands what looked like a silver portrait flanked with beautiful diamonds and a picture in the middle of her, Mark and Gianluca and an engraving just above it with the word Family.
Thick tears fell down her face uncontrollably, it was a beautiful picture taken during Gian's first birthday party and she loved it dearly and now it was even more special to her, she reached out and grabbed Gian and held him tight into her chest trying to just express how much love she felt from him, Bradley was actually speechless, seeing her react so strongly about it was really eye-opening as to how special she was. And how much family really meant to her; -'I'm sorry I'm crying, I just really really like this picture and-and it's such a wonderful gift from his...his dad and it makes me feel very grateful for what I have even if he's not here all the time'.

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