Chapter Two.

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(A/N: As you can see Cobie Smulders will be Drea and Winona Ryder will be her mother. THANK YOU FOR 100 READS ON THE FIRST CHAPTER I'M SO HAPPY :D Read my note in the end of this chapter. Enjoy .xx)


“Drea, dear you’re gonna be late!!! Wake up!!”

“No mum, let me stay in bed!”I covered myself again after my mum tried to get me out of my warm and comfort bed.

“No can do, dear. Today is your first day of college you don’t want to be late.”

“I don’t wanna go!”

“But you have to. Oh and don’t forget after class, you need to go to Mrs. Twist’s office to book your appointments with her.”

“Really mum ? I am fine now, I don’t need any shrink.”

“No you’re not. I know you, you’re my child. After last time, I am not taking any chances.”

“Oh you’re talking about that bottle of pills I took and the whole trying to drown myself on the tub thing? Mum, grow up. I did my mends, I am fine now. Just let me be.”

You tried to kill yourself Drea!!! I can’t even force myself to imagine if I haven’t gotten home in time what would had happened to you.”

“I would probably be in a better place now and you’d stop bugging me.”

“ANDREA! See ? You’re not fine. Come on, get dressed and go downstairs I made you breakfast. And this conversation is over. You’re going to see a shrink and that’s it.”

“Fine.”I sighed. I knew it wasn’t worth it trying to take this idea out of her head. 

I went to the bathroom and weighed myself. I lost 4 pounds. That’s good. I just have to lose more 20 and I will be completely fine about myself.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. My face was a mess. Make up all over my cheeks, since I cried myself to sleep last night. I looked like Frankenstein’s bride.

I took a shower and got dressed. Applied some make up so my endless nights being up crying wouldn’t be noticed.

“Do you want me to drive you?”

“No mum it’s fine, I’ll walk.”

“No, I still have time. Come on, I’ll drive you.”

It was raining a bit today. I loved rain. That’s why I wanted to walk. I wanted to feel the rain hitting me and cry so that if someone saw me they wouldn’t notice I was crying.

I feel like crying 24/7. I cry myself to sleep, I cry during the shower, I cry while listening to music… I just basically cry. That’s all I do.

“Ok, we’re here. Drea, dear ?” My mum shook my arm.

“Oh. I didn’t notice. Thanks mum. I’ll see you at home.”I kissed her cheek and rushed to the entrance.

Everyone was staring at me. As usual.

I went to the front desk to pick up my class agenda and a plant of the school.

English is up first. Nice, my favorite subject.

I slowly walked to class.

When I got there, everyone was already seated and my professor was sitting on her desk writing the summary on the class book.

“Oh, you must be Andrea. I am Mrs. Mathison, nice to meet you.”

She got up and made everyone shut up – “This is your new classmate, Andrea. Treat her right ok guys? Make her feel comfortable.”She smiled. – “You can sit next to Zayn, dear.”She pointed at a dark haired boy who was drawing something on his notebook.

I could notice he was a jock. By his jacket and his presence whom intimidated everyone around him.

I sat down next to him and he looked at me – “Hi.” – He gave me a big smile. – “I’m Zayn.”

I cleared my voice. – “I-I-I’m Andrea. But everyone calls me Drea.”

“Nice to meet you Drea.” He looked around and everyone just looked away.

I felt myself relaxing.

“They are already hooked on you. They can’t stop staring.”

“I hate that. I am just a normal person.”

“Yeah, but they don’t think that way. They just find you as their new toy.”

I swallowed. – “T-t-toy?”

“Yeah. Someone to mock at and to do everything they want.”

Oh no. Not again.


(A/N: Chapter 2 is up!!!!!!!!!!! Well, now you know one more character of this book: Zayn Malik. He's part of the baseball team that's why he wears a uniform jacket. He's a bit intimidating but as the story goes on, you'll see how soft he is. Well, anyways my goal is 10 votes please help me reach it so I can update :D .xx)

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