Chapter Sixty-Four.

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I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more...


“Ouch… My head.” – I opened my eyes to the sudden brightness in the room.

“Get up you git! It’s your wedding day!” – Zayn slapped my legs.

“Keep it down, will you? My head hurts.” – I covered my eyes.

“I told you not to drink so much. Come on, get up, take a cold shower. I put some pills and a glass of water on the bedside table. You have,” – He checked his watch. – “,Two hours to get to the church, so hurry. I’ll be right outside.” – He closed the door with a loud bang.

I groaned and threw myself back on the bed. I felt horrible.

Even with Zayn always warning me to not drink too much, I did it. I did it and now I regret it. I wanted to drown this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach with alcohol and so I did. It felt good but now... God, I feel awful.

How was Drea feeling right now?

Was she awake?

Was she nervous ?

Was she having second thoughts?

I wanted to see her but I know I couldn’t. You’re not supposed to see each other before the wedding, it’s bad luck.

I shifted my body and opened one of my eyes. It was still so early and my head was killing me.

You’re getting married today, you shit. Get your lazy ass out of bed NOW! – I groaned to the little voice inside my head.

I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a really cold shower so I could wake up and this stupid hangover could go away. It kind of worked but now I was nervous instead of hungover.

I was getting married. Like, for real.

In a few minutes, I was going to walk down that aisle and wait for the love of my life to do the same so I can take her in my arms and finally seal our destiny.

I'm getting cheesy as time goes by ew.

My suit was lying on the chair, waiting for me to put it on.

I took the pills Zayn gave me and got dressed a bit too slowly. I was getting more and more nervous as time went by that my hands were shaking really bad.

“Oh good, you’re ready.” – My mum got in the room. – “Let me get that.” – She helped me with my tie. – “How are you feeling?” – She smiled.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous.” – I laughed awkwardly. – “Have you seen her already?”

“Oh yes.” – She nodded. – “She’s just as nervous as you.” – She patted my chest. – “All done.”

“Thank you.” – I tried to style my hair but honestly, it was the same big hot mess it usually is. I just tried to put it down as Drea likes it. No hats, no bandanas, no nothing.

“You look so pretty, dear.”

“Mum, you’re not going to start crying are you?” – I scolded.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so happy and emotional.” – She blew her nose.

“You’re such a dork, come here.” – I hugged her. – “I’m still your little boy, don’t ever forget that. Whenever you need me, just give me a call. I’m not gone, I’m just getting married.” – I kissed her forehead.

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