Chapter Sixty-Nine.

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Atelphobia: The fear of not being good enough


“Ms. Drea?” – I turned around.


“I don’t understand the exercise.” - A blonde girl with small freckles called me over.

“Well, it’s pretty simple.” – I walked over to her desk and sat down next to her and explained every bit of the exercise.

“Oh, it’s pretty easy actually. Thank you.” – She smiled.

“No problem, Michelle.” – I smiled back.

The bell rang. – “Don’t forget your essays about Shakespeare to hand over next class!” – I yelled as everybody packed their stuff to leave the room. – “See you on Friday.”

I started piling their latest essays to correct. This was going to be a long night.

“Knock knock.” – I looked at the door and Harry was leaning against its frame smiling so bright.

“Heeeey, what are you doing here ?” – I put everything in my bag.

“Well, I thought we could go have some lunch. Just the two of us. Alone.” – He walked over to me and pulled me to his arms, connecting his lips to mine in an urgent kiss.

“I have so much stuff to do, babe. Can’t we re-schedule?”

“Since when do you have to re-schedule lunches with your husband?” – He raised an eyebrow. – “I’m your number one priority!”

“Actually, you’re my second. Peter’s first.” – I giggled when he seemed hurt. – “Let’s go, you can help me with some essays.” – I intertwined our fingers and locked the door.

Harry was carrying my bag on his right hand. – “Oh no. This can wait until tonight. I want some time alone with my wife.”

“Drea!” – Louis walked towards us. – “Ready? Oh hey Harry.”

“Hey, mate. Ready for what?”

“We were going to have lunch together. We have some essays to correct and it’s easier if we do it together.”

“Nope, no can do. She’s mine for the rest of the afternoon.”

“Harry.” – I warned him.  – “Sorry, Lou.”

“No, it’s okay. Gonna see if Zayn is available.” – And with that, he walked away.

“You’re such a twat.”

“You love me.”

“Unfortunately.” – I shook my head.

“What do you mean unfortunately?!” – He gasped.

“Well, you can be pretty stubborn and a fucking idiot sometimes.”

“Somebody’s in a mood.” – He only said that so he wouldn’t call me a bitch.

“Blame your son for keeping me awake for three hours during the night.” – I unlocked the car.

“You’re going with me, we can pick up your car after lunch. Do you have classes in the afternoon?”

“Huh no. I was going to spend my free time in the teacher’s lounge correcting essays.”

“Well, you can do it at home. Bring your stuff, come on.”

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