Chapter Forty-Seven.

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What is the opposite of two ? A lonely me, a lonely you.


One month later


“Are you sure you want to do this?” – Zayn looked concerned.

“Yes, I am. I already got accepted I can’t just drop out. Besides, it will be good.”

“Good for who? Does he know?”

“No.” – I shook my head. – “Only a few people know. And now you know too.”

“I don’t think this is a good idea…”

“Yes it is! Zayn, this is the best I can do. It’s what I need.” – I sighed.

“No it’s not! What about Harry? Have you thought about him? Do you really want to throw it all away? Can you imagine what will be his reaction when he finds out you left?”

“You clearly don’t understand.” – I stared at the table.

“Yeah, I don’t. You guys love each other why are you so fucking stubborn? Just go to him! Talk to him, take him back! I hate seeing him so low…”

“Things are not that easy.”

“Yes they are! You are just making them complicated!”

“All we’ve been able to do lately is fuck things up. I’m tired, Zayn. I’m tired of all the fighting, I’m tired of all the lies. I’m just tired.”

“Excuses. To me those are all excuses. Drea, you have no idea how Harry is feeling right now. He refuses to go out with us and he locks himself in his room all day long. From what his mum told me, he only comes out when he hears voices downstairs.”

“He thinks it’s me.”

“Yeah… Look, go talk to him. Just go please.”

“No, I can’t. Zayn, this is for the best. For both of us. I’m leaving. He has the opening to start a new life. Without me. And I am going to try to do the same thing.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“But I am. Look, I have to go in a few minutes. I have a lot of stuff to take to London.”

“Do you need any help?”

“No, I’m fine. By the way, do you have Chad’s number?”

“Chad? Yeah, I do why?”

“Can you give me it? I need to speak to him.”

“Sure.” – He took his phone out and dictated Chad’s number.

“Thank you. I gotta go, I’ll see you later?”

“Sure. Drive safely.”

“I will.” – I smiled and kissed his cheek before I walked towards my car.

As soon as I was inside my car, I called Chad.


“Chad? It’s Drea.”

“Oh hi, Harry’s bird. Right, how’s it going?”

“Huh, Harry and I aren’t dating anymore…” – I felt the lump in my throat rise.

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