Chapter Sixteen.

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(A/N: Short chapter sorryyyyyyy writer's block and this was written in a hurry cause I wasn't home for the whole day :/ Hm, well anyways, read the note at the end ok, enjoy :) .xx)



When I gained consciousness it was already dark. Probably even dinner time.

I looked at Drea, who was still sleeping. She never looked so cute and that made me smile.

I really am falling for her and hard. I am falling hard and I don’t regret a thing.

It feels like history is repeating itself. Emily and I were just like this: she hated me, I loved her. I fell for her, she fell for me. But in the end, she was taken away.

I shook my head. I can’t let that happen to Drea.

“Hey sleepy head.” – I smiled at her.

She shifted and lifted her head to look up at me. - “What time is it ?” – She rubbed her eyes.

“I have no idea, but probably dinner time.”

“What ? We’ve been asleep all afternoon ?”

“As you can see, yes.” – I smiled at her. – “Mum’s downstairs.” – I frowned when I heard pans falling and the doors of the cabinet closing.

“I don’t remember having a cover on us…?”

“It was her most likely.” – I tightened my grip on Drea’s waist, pulling her closer to me. – “I don’t want to leave this bed, it’s so comfortable in here.” – I kissed her forehead.

She giggled. – “Your stubble tickles.” – She caressed my chin. – “There is no way I can get you to stay away from me, now there’s it ?” – She kissed it.

“Only if you murder me.” – She tried to leave my grip. – “I was joking, come here.” – I pulled her even closer so now our chests were touching. – “I know you still love him, but I can handle it. I can wait until you forget all about him. I know it’s going to be a rough couple of months, but I’ve been through so much I think I can handle having a little patience.”

“And what makes you think I fancy you back ?”

“Well, you kissed me back and just now you were caressing and kissing my chin so…” – I looked into her eyes.

They were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Cristal blue, staring right back at my ever so green ones.

“I am so confused, I don’t know what to feel or think…” – Her voice faded as she spoke.

“Hey, don’t get all emotional on me. Not now that we were having such an amazing time.” – I kissed the corner of her mouth.

“It’s been what, a month or two since we’ve met ? How are you in love with me already ?”

I shrugged.

Suddenly, she flipped us so now she was on top of me.

She leaned in, but rested her lips against my ear instead of my mouth as I was expecting. – “Don’t expect me to love you all of a sudden, keep in mind I still hate you for your stupid remarks and for not minding your own damn business. So now stop making me love you and stay the hell away from me.” – She got up and opened the door giving me one last glance before closing it behind her.

“What the fuck?” – Was all I asked.

Dinner was fun though. She was laughing and couldn’t stop talking to my mum. I liked this side of Drea, even though I was a bit pissed about what she had said just a few moments ago in her bedroom.

I really hope she was kidding because if she wasn’t, she will have a surprise. I am not giving up.

“Do you mind if I go upstairs ? I am a bit tired and I want to go to bed.” – Drea asked my mum while they were cleaning the kitchen. I was sitting on the counter watching their every move.

“Of course not dear. Have a goodnight, sleep tight.”

“You too, Anne. Thank you.” – Drea smiled and even kissed my mum’s cheek.

What the hell was happening to that girl ?!

“Aren’t you going to bed, sweetie ?” – My mum tapped my knee.

“In a bit, I need to ask you something first.” – I looked at her.

She waited for me to talk.  – “Did Drea tell you anything about this Louis guy ?”

She frowned. – “Hm Louis ? Oh yes, her boyfriend. Or should I say ex-boyfriend… They broke up.”

“That’s all you know ?”

“I can’t tell you anything Harry, I am already talking too much. It’s confidential remember ? Why don’t you ask her?”

“She isn’t talking to me mum.” – I shrugged.

So she knew about Louis… Interesting.

“That wasn’t what I saw in her bedroom…” – She trailed off.

“Hey ! I was just there cause she had a nightmare ok ?” – I threw a kitchen towel at her.

“Oh dear, she keeps having episodes ?”

“Yes. But this time she dreamt about me, not him.”


“Yeah… So, now that I’ve asked what I wanted, I’m going to bed. Night, mum.” – I kissed her cheek.

“Night, sweetheart. Sleep tight.”

“You too.”

I went upstairs but instead of going to my bedroom, I went to Drea’s.

She was already asleep.

I softly got into her bed and cuddled up to her tiny little body.

I am not giving up and I want her to know that.

A few moments later, I felt her hand travelling down my arm and intertwining her fingers with mine.

Now, she knows.


(A/N: I swear to God I need to take a break when I have writer's block because this chapter completely sucked balls. I apologize, I promise the next ones will be much better :( Well, this story took a completely different turn from what I had expected at first, lol. Goal: 10 votes OR 100 reads. Ily all .xx)

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