Chapter Fifty-Three.

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The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.


“Well, it wasn’t that bad was it?” – Monique whispered to me while we were waiting for dinner.

I rolled my eyes.

Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of me, neither could the other two. They knew something was up and they were just waiting for the right opportunity to ask.

“So, what are you guys going to do tonight?” – Aunt Lydia tried to make everyone talk.

“I’m going to a party mum.” – Monique answered.

“Yeah, Samuel and I are tagging along. Right sis?” – Jer said from the other side of the table. Monique nodded with a smile.

“What about you, Drea?” – Everybody turned their attention to me.

“I am not in the mood for parties. I think I’ll just go home and watch a movie or something.”

Harry leaned in and spoke in a very low voice. – “Can I come?” – I shrugged and his smile disappeared.

“Are you guys going out as well?” – I asked Louis who was sitting on my right.

“Yeah, Zayn and I are going with your cousins.”

“Cool, I guess everyone’s night is scheduled then.”

Everybody maintained small conversations during dinner and after we all finished, we took our separated ways. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my car so I had to either walk or ask for a ride. Harry was very watchful to where I was or what I did. He really wasn’t giving up on staying with me for the night.

I gathered my things and walked to the front door. Mum and aunt Lydia were having tea in the office and uncle Jasper was asleep already. Everyone else had gone to party already.

“Going home?” – Harry was leaning against his car.

“Yes. Why are you out here?”

He shrugged. – “Waiting for you.”


“Our conversation isn’t over you know?”

“Yes it is. It ended when we kissed.”

“No, it just paused. I’ll take you home so we can talk.” – He opened the door of his car.

“I’m walking thank you.” – I passed by him and walked to the gates.

“Wait!” – He ran over to me. – “I’ll go with you.”

“No need to Harry, I’ll be fine.”

“London streets are dangerous at night, I won’t let you walk alone.”

I puffed. – “Fine then.” – We passed the gates onto the main street. We have a good thirty minute walk ahead of us.


“So…” – Harry trailed off. – “How is living in London?”

“Pretty good. People are nice to me for once.”

“That’s good. Did you make any friends?”

“Yes. They’re great, they care about me and they are always there whenever I need.”

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