Chapter Fifty-Five.

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Nothing feels better than when you love someone with your whole heart and soul and they love you back even more.


“You can’t be serious. You proposed?!”

“Yeah, I did. I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

“Aw Zayn that is adorable!” – I smiled. – “But Louise? Really?”

“I know you don’t like her and I get it. But it sort of happened, I can’t change it now.”

“True.” – Harry put his hand over mine. I looked at him shocked.

Nobody knows we’re back together. We were going to tell them a little bit later on the day.

He took his hand off mine immediately and we both stared at Zayn expecting him to say something.

“You guys don’t fool me.”

“What do you mean?” – Harry faked confusion.

“Well, you came here together, you exchange very curious looks sometimes and I’ve seen you smile at each other every now and then. You guys are back together aren’t you?”

“We were going to tell you later…” – I trailed off.

“I knew it! Fucking finally! If you weren’t getting back together any soon, I’m afraid I might have had to force you to talk to each other.” – He touched my hand and stared back between Harry and I. – “I’m really happy for you both. You deserve each other. I hope you will never break up again.”

“Thank you Zayn. I’m glad you are happy for us. And we won’t, we’ve discussed it.” – Harry hugged me sideways smiling.

“What did I miss?” – Louis sat down next to Zayn.

“Harry and Drea are back together.” – Zayn lit a cigarette.

Louis stared at us for a few moments. – “What?” – He looked… hurt. But his façade was destroyed by his laugh. – “Finally! I was tired of seeing Harry crying at every corner! I’m happy for you both.” – He smiled.

That fucker and his actor skills.

“Thanks mate. How’s huh… What’s her name again?”

“Not worth it, we broke up.”

“Oh you got a girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me?” – I scolded him.

“We haven’t talked much lately…” – He shrugged.

“I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” – I kissed Harry’s cheek and left.


“Look at him all smiley!!!” – Zayn teased.

“She has got you good.” – Louis helped teasing.

“Shut up both of you.” – I took a sip out of my coke.

“Hey, Harry.” – Zayn gestured me to lean in so he could talk lower. Louis was on the phone. – “Have you thought about proposing yet?”

“Yeah, I did. I gave it a lot of thought actually.”

“Why don’t do it? We could get married on the same day.”

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