Chapter Fifty-One.

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You knew damn well what you were doing.  You knew damn well who you were BREAKING.


“How’s this one?” – I opened my arms for a better view.

“Definitely not the right color for you. Try the blue one.” – Liam shook his head.

I sighed. – “I’m sorry for dragging you into this Liam. Danielle wasn’t available, Jer and Sam had stuff to do… You were the only one left and I hate shopping alone.”

“It’s ok, don’t worry about that.” – He smiled. – “You’re more entertaining than my mother.”

I laughed  while putting on the blue shirt. – “So, how are things with Danielle?”

“What things? We don’t have anything to do with each other.” – Liam seemed nervous.

“Oh come on, you fancy her! I can tell!”

“How did you-“

“By the way you blush whenever you’re near her. Oh and how you smile when she’s talking to you.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“A bit yeah. You remind me a bit of myself when I was with Har- Nevermind.” – I lowered my head, facing the floor.

“You need to tell me what happened, Drea. I can see it’s eating you alive.”

“No, it’s nothing.” – I shook my head. – “I just regret a decision, nothing more.”

“Do you still love him?” – I nodded. – “Then why did you leave? Why didn’t you stay and tried to figure things out?”

“Because it wasn’t working anymore. We fucked up really badly and there was nothing we could do to go back to the way things were.”

“Well, if you want a piece of advice I think you should talk to him and solve things. There is no absolute reason why you can’t be together. Unless it was something like cheating.”

“We didn’t cheat on each other.”

“Then go talk to him. Take some time off and go. I’m sure he’ll listen.” – Liam smiled.


One month. It’s been a whole fucking month since the wedding. Fatima and Ben are on an extended honey moon in Paris, my mum is busy with her work, Louis, Zayn and myself are busy with college and Drea… well I don’t know how she is doing. I still haven’t read the letter and I won’t. That letter will only put an end to everything we’ve been through and even though it’s definitely over, I don’t want to say goodbye yet. She really left. I haven’t seen her around, her house is empty every time I drive by… I miss her. I miss her so fucking much.

“Harry?” – I felt someone shaking my arm. – “Mate are you there?!”

“Earth calling Harry!! Dude, wake up!” – I felt someone shaking my other arm.

“Huh what sorry?”

“You should stop thinking about her man. It’s been a month, she left.”

“What tells you that I was thinking about her?”

“The way your eyes were sparkling. Every time you talk or think about her, your face lights up and your eyes sparkle.” – Louis tells me.

I sighed. – “I can’t stop doing it. I really want to, but I can’t.”

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