Chapter Fifty.

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To the world you may just be someone, but to someone you may be the whole world.


“Mum? Are you ready yet?”

I heard some noises coming from the small booth. – “I am coming in a minute, this doesn’t want to close!”

“Maybe because it’s too tight?” – Anne yelled from next to me.

“No, I didn’t gain any weight.” – Mum opens the door and walks out.

“Wow.” – Anne and I say at the same time.

“Mum you look beautiful!”

“Don’t make me cry, Drea or I’ll ruin the makeup.” – She tried to hide the tears.

“This is it, you’re finally getting your happy ending.” – I smiled.

“You will get yours too dear. What’s his name again? Liam?”

“Mum.” – I rolled my eyes. I knew Anne was listening to our conversation very closely. – “Liam is just a friend. And you know I am still… You know, stuck in the past.”

It was like something had hit Anne. She jumped from the chair she was sat on, and made a sound a bit… hilarious.

“Are you ok?” – Mum was trying not to laugh.

“Y-yes I am, I just got scared I thought I had seen a bug.” – She faked relief.

I looked at the clock on the wall. - “Hm, mum ? We have to go. It’s time.”

“Ok… I’m fine, I’m okay. Do I look good?”

“You look beautiful.” – Anne reassured her.

“Okay, good.” – She deeply breathed. – “I’m getting married.”

“You’re getting married.” – I nodded, handing her the bouquet.

“Let’s go.” – Anne held the ends of her dress while I walked to the door to open it.

As soon as I walked outside of the room, I bumped into someone.

“Oh. Sorry.” – When I saw his face, my knees almost failed me.

Harry was standing in front of me dressed in a black suit, white shirt and black tie with matching shoes. He looked and smelled amazingly.

“Hi.” – He stared into my eyes.

“Hi.” – I wanted to wrap my arms around him but I know I couldn’t.

“Hm kids? We need to go!!” – Mum snapped us out of our gaze.

Harry held his arm out for mum to take it. He was just helping her walk to the beginning of the aisle. She’d walk alone from then.

I walked in front of them, carefully. I was afraid I might trip on my own feet, as I was shaking so hard.

“Ready?” – I turned around right when we were about to open the doors for her to walk in the room and get married to Ben.

“No. Yes. I am nervous.” – She laughed nervously.

“Take a deep breath, calm down. You’re getting married, it’s not that hard.”

“The day you get married I will laugh at you and say the exact same thing you’re telling me.” – I glanced over at Harry who was staring at me.

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