Chapter Sixty-One.

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In the end, you tried and you cared and sometimes that is enough.



As Harry and I kissed, I heard Zayn screaming out for Louis. We parted and I saw him running out of the room.

“What happened?” – I ask Zayn.

“I dunno, he left the moment you said yes.” – He shrugged. – “Congratulations both of you.” – He hugged Harry and kissed my forehead.

“I’m gonna go talk to him, is that ok?” – I looked at Harry.

“Yeah, sure go. I’ll handle all the congratulations.” – He laughed.

I pecked his lips and walked out of the room looking for Louis.

He was in the parking lot, leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette.

As soon as he saw me, he turned his head the other way. – “Go back inside. You have a lot of people to thank.” – He said abruptly.

“What happened? You stormed out of the room.” – I crossed my arms.

He sighed. – “It’s nothing, never mind.”

“Louis…” – I grabbed his arm and forced him to face me. – “It’s not nothing when you run away like that. Tell me what’s wrong. Please.” – I begged.

“Realization finally hit me. You’re with him, you’re gonna get married to him, you’re gonna have kids with him, you’re gonna have a life with him. Not me.” – He looked me in the eyes and they were cold, lost and sad.

And then it hit me. – “Oh Lou…” – I hugged him. – “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. If I had known I would have-“ – He cut me off.

He was hiding his face in my hair, hugging me as tight as he could. – “You would what? You couldn’t do anything Drea, you love him. My time with you is up.” – He cried out.

“But I could have avoided this whole situation! I’m so sorry, I don’t want anyone to go through with this.”

“This what?” – He leaned back so he was staring at me. – “The woman I love getting married to one of my best mates?”

“It’s not that, Lou. I just… If I knew Harry was going to propose tonight, I would have avoided it in some way. Just so I wouldn’t have to see you like this nor having you heartbroken.”

“I’m not heartbroken.” – He smiled. A weak and sad smile… - “I know I didn’t stand a chance with you anymore. I’ve learned how to live with that. I just want your happiness and his happiness. He’s my friend too. I’m glad you both found your way back to each other and that you’re starting a life with him. I’m not mad nor sad that you guys are engaged. I’m really happy for both of you and I wish you all the best. I was just shocked, it caught me off guard. Plus, something inside hurt when you said yes. And it’s not because I love you.” – He shook his head. – “It was a sign telling me it was time for me to move on. I know I should have moved on a long time ago and believe me, I’ve tried but a little voice was always telling me maybe it’s not too late, maybe it’s not too late and I continued on hanging on that little piece of hope. Tonight just tore everything apart. I’ll be fine don’t worry, there are plenty fish in the sea. I just have to catch the right one.” – He winked.

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