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The plane was quickly coming to it's drop and I could feel it hit the runway harshly. Not bad though, just typical if you get my vibe. I unbuckled my seatbelt once I was given permission and since I was lucky enough to score my own row I just reached over and grabbed my carry on out of the overhead bin. I brought it back down and waited for my turn to leave the stuffed airplane.

Once everyone ahead of me got out it was my turn. I pulled my smallish type of carry on behind me and walked out of the plane giving a small goodbye to the greeter people and the pilot. I walked through the tunnel thing until I reached the area of my gate. Matthew was meeting me here with some of the boys that were already here but as of right now I only know it's him and one other guy, Nash.

I looked around for him and it was until I just was about to give up until I saw the familiar blonde hair. He was facing away from me but I knew it was him. I ran up to him as fast as I could with this suitcase and wrapped my arms around his waist in a big hug clutching onto him. He tensed up and turned around in shock before completely cutting off my circulation from hugging me.

"I can't believe it's you best friend. You must've grown an inch or so." I smirked teasingly.

"Oh shut up." He laughed shoving me a bit.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Nash." I smiled at the dark haired boy. I was aware of his blue eyes being the popular thing about him but I couldn't help but be pulled in by them. I don't know what it was. They were so icy and intense, I could look in them for hours on end. It was weird, and for some reason, I couldn't nor did I want to tear my eyes from his that were looking back at mine with a smile.

"Well, when you two are done having eye sex, we'll be heading back to the hotel." Matthew joked. We instantly looked away after that comment, both of our cheeks evidently tinted from it. All three of us walked through the semi crowded airport of Dallas, TX. Wow, I can't believe I'm in Dallas to be honest. Speaking of Dallas.

"Where are the other boys?" I asked curiously to either one of the two.

"Well... Carter, Taylor, Shawn, Hayes, and Aaron are at the hotel room already, but Cameron, Jack, and Jack are still on their way." Matthew said.

"And Jc and Sam I think are coming too even though they're not technically vine boys." Nash said as I nodded. His accent is so asdfghjkl. I swear it's perfect. I don't really know how I didn't notice these things. I mean, I didn't really watch the other boys to be honest. I've maybe seen four of Nash's vines but that's it. I don't know though, I could listen to that deep voice all day.

"I'm sorry Nash, but your accent is so perfect." I said.

"What accent?" He asked with a chuckle. I raised my eyebrow giving him an 'are you serious' look.

"Your North Carolina accent?" I laughed.

"I don't have one." He shrugged with a smile.

"Yea you do." Matthew interjected.

"Do not." He said.

"You do Nash, just admit it." I smirked. He gave me one back for a bit challenging me until he finally gave in and admitted it. I decided since it's been a few hours since I've fined, that I'd pull out my phone and make one. Matthew was busy doing his thing so I nudged Nash.

"Hmm?" He hummed. Oh my god, I can't.

"Wanna vine?" I asked.

"Oh, I'd be honored to be in Queen Cora's vine." He mocked in an accent as I slapped him playfully. We walked up to this random asian guy and I was towards the front and Nash was behind him.

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