twenty five

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We were all relaxed in the cabin living room chatting with each other about nothing at all. Jacob came to the cabin this morning which was a bummer because I would of preferred him to be there last night so I got time with him. Like Jacob is my boy, I love that kid to death.

"Whiteslays, come here!" I yelled excitedly. Jacob laughed and fell next to me.

"What's up girl?" He asked all girly making me laugh. I loved Jacob. He was like my second Matthew.

"I missed ya man, you should've came last night." I told him.

"I know dude, I was gonna but flights in Knoxville were delayed." He said sounding bummed.

"Yeah, I have to leave earlier than all of you guys." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Last day of school tomorrow, AND well...What I talked to you about on FaceTime." I said.

"Oooh, so we only get today and then I can't see you until SAN DIEGO??!?!?!!" He exclaimed sadly.

"JACOBI QUIET DOWN!!!" I whisper yelled to him. Yes, I called him Jacobi. No, it's not weird.

"But Coranator!!" He whined sadly "I missed my partner in crime!" He said.

"I know man, I know. But aye, we get to hangout ALL of San Diego maybe, so look forward to that." I told him with a smile. We chatted a little more and then it came time that I left back home. I didn't want to, but I had to get some homework done and I needed to go to sleep early for school.

I gave my hugs to each boy and then last came my favorite person ever. Nash.

"Don't have too much fun without me, alright?" I smiled at him sadly.

"Oh trust me, I couldn't have nearly as much fun without you." He smiled. I immediately caught him off guard by clutching on to him quickly. I wrapped my arms around him tightly not dare letting go of him any time soon at all.

"Babe, what's up with you?" He chuckled. He didn't know, I never told him. I mean, I'm not going to until I find out for sure. But this may be the last time I see him before I go for the photoshoot if I do.

"Nothing." I brushed off quickly, letting go.

"Are you sure? You're acting weird Cora." He said.

"I'm positive, I'm gonna go though." I told him.

"Alright, bye. I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too babe." I smiled back, just as I was about to turn around he cleared his throat. "What?" I asked curiously with a laugh.

"Where's my kiss?" He smirked making me laugh. I walked up and went on my tip toes and gave him a long passionate kiss. We pulled apart and I made my way out the door. I headed onto the second boat and drove back to my house on it.

After about 15 minutes, I got back to my house. Taylor and Nate were outside so when I drove in they helped me hook up the boat and get out of the boat and on to the dock. I hopped off the boat and gave my brother a big ole hug and then gave one to Taylor afterwards. It was pretty cool living with Taylor and having him be my half brother.

Taylor felt like that one friend from school that always got to stay at your house. I didn't look at him as a blood brother, I looked at him as that brother from another mother you know? Don't get me wrong, Taylor is my bae, but I look at him more as a best friend brother than a blood brother.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now