forty three

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I felt a consistent tap on my arm signaling that someone was trying to wake me up. I groaned and moved trying to tell them that I wanted to be left alone to sleep in peace. Of course though, they kept on with trying to wake me up. Dumb boys will be boys I guess.

"Wake up beautiful, we have thirty minutes until Magcon starts." Nash chorused in my ear softly. I groaned and opened my eyes to meet his baby blue ones. He smiled knowing he won, and then walked away somewhere else that I didn't know of.

I reached over for my phone and grabbed it quickly. I scrolled through the notifications that I had got and of course, I checked my Kim Kardashian Hollywood game. Thanks, Lohanthony. I'm addicted now. Him, Jenn, Sarai, Jack, and myself were Oovooing and he kept ignoring us and that was why because he was playing it.

Once I was ready, I walked out of bed and went to the bathroom doing my typical routine that consisted of doing my hair, makeup, and brushing my teeth. I curled my hair very loosely and then put on my daily makeup routine which consisted of; mascara, foundation, concealer, and doing my eyebrows.

I walked back into the room and grabbed my suitcase, lifting it off of the ground. After a few minutes of rummaging through the big thing, I choose to go with a loose white tank that was kind of sheer and some light washed high waisted shorts. I then paired some white Chucks with those to keep it casual.

"I'm all ready babe." I smiled to Nash as I looked over at him on Vine. He nodded and got up before he headed over to me. "You're not upset about yesterday right?" I asked him carefully.

"No, it's all good." He said shortly. Not with an attitude exactly, just a lot quicker than preferred.

"Nash..." I told him.

"Cora! I told you I'm not upset. Damn, it's like you want me to be upset. I get that you kissed Cameron, I get that he called you beautiful, I get that he told you he loved you, I get that he was there for you when I wasn't, so I'd rather you not remind me of how bad of a boyfriend I was!" He shouted making me flinch. He didn't usually raise his voice with me like that and I didn't think he was going to get so upset about it with me. Like seriously, damn Nash.

My eyes naturally watered up due to the fact my emotions are all over the place from Nate, but I kept my composure and ignored Nash's words. I let go of him and walked out the door slamming it shut behind me. In the distance, I saw Jack so I ran up to catch up to him.

"'Sup?" I asked him casually.

"Not much, what about you?" He asked as he locked his screen and put his iPhone in his pocket.

"Nervous for today, to say the least." I chuckled slightly.

"I could imagine." He laughed. "You know, Magcon is gonna suck without you five." He said to me.

"I know, I'm gonna miss elevator tag and all the games we play." I chuckled slightly.

"Remember that one time Gilinsky, Shawn, Taylor, Dillon, you, and I all recorded that song together but never released it?" He laughed. We walked out of the elevator instantly seeing fans that were probably questioning why Nash wasn't the one walking with me when usually we are never and I mean NEVER apart.

We dodged people for the most part, since we were already late. Multiple girls questioned why I was with Jack and not Nash but the others were either bawling because I'm right in front of them, or asking me for a cute selfie with them. Even one boy fan asked for a kiss on the cheek. He was twelve so it was cute. He looked like a mini version of my brother Taylor. (a/n: so walker rogers basically bc that's who plays taylor)

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