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"Wow." He smiled breathless.

"That was..." I said slowly at a loss for words. Who knew one guy could kiss so well? I just like Nash now even more than I did before. So a whole lot. I can't even explain how much I like him, and we haven't known each other THAT long.

"Amazing?" He laughed slightly as I joined him.

"Beyond amazing." I smiled. He laughed and pecked me softly. It wasn't as intense, heated, and passionate...It was sweet, warm, and gentle. I loved it.

"I could get used to this." He smiled and kissed me again. I smiled in the kiss and then kissed him back. We sat there for a little longer and played in the water a bit before we decided to go back home. Part of me was prepared for a lecture, but the other part was hoping that my mom would be chill about it.

We rode back in the mini boat and it took the same amount of time to get back to my house. We drove up next to the dock and then Nash tied the boat's rope it had to the dock so it wouldn't float away. He got out first and stood there and helped me get out.

We walked hand in hand back up to my house making jokes and laughing hysterically. I walked inside the garage and saw a few cars missing. Maybe no one was home? I walked into the door still in hysterics and walked into the kitchen and down the stairs into the living room where my mom was. She was sitting there casually reading her current novel as Molly watched Disney Channel quietly. She looked up to see Nash and I in our damp clothes and wet hair.

"So this is where you've been..." She said disapprovingly. I had now lost all hope of her not being mad about this.

"I'm sorry Ms. Zedler, it is all my fault she is home this late. I invited her to go out to the lake and we lost track of time, please forgive me." Nash said politely making my heart melt. He was so sweet.

"Who are you?" She asked. It wasn't rude, it was just kind of curious.

"I'm Nash Grier, I am part of the Magcon tour with Cora. My family lives right next door." He said.

"So you're Nash..." She said.

"The one and only."

"Well Nash, I don't like the fact you kept my daughter out past curfew but I'll let it slide this time. Cora, you go upstairs and get dry. We'll be talking later." She said. I sighed and looked up at Nash. His eyes basically said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault." I shook my head and shrugged. He came closer to me and gave me a little hug before whispering in my ear, "I'll text you when I get home." I smiled and nodded.

He walked out of the houses front door and left my mom and I in an awkward silence. I fiddled with my fingers looking everywhere but her, as she stared me down.

"Care to explain?" She said.

"Mom, we just lost track of time. There was a spot across the lake he wanted to show me and that's it. Nash is a good guy mom." I told her.

"Enough Cora, go dry up and go to bed. You have to leave for Magcon again tomorrow and I don't want to deal with you having an attitude because you got no sleep." She said.

"I swear, ever since you got with Jack you've been so uptight." I told her. "Loosen up a little bit god."

"Coraleigh! Don't you dare call me "uptight", I am far from it." She said making me laugh.

"No you're not mom, not anymore at least." I said. "You are putting me in trouble for every thing I say or do. What's next? Take Magcon away from me?" I said.

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