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"So you've been in here before?" I said.

"Plenty of times." He said. "Our parents are friends so I've been friends with Taylor since we were lie seven." He said.

"Wow, you might have to give me a tour of my own house." I laughed.

"Oh gosh Cora, I'm sure you'll find your way." He laughed. We walked back through the kitchen and down the steps into the living room and then through the living room to the foyer. We turned right and then went up the spiral black stepped staircase. Once we got up there I noticed it over looked the living room making the house look even bigger. Wow. Just wow.

"This is Jack and your mom's room...This is Taylor's room...and I'm assuming this is your room." He said as I noticed that my bed and all my furniture was already in there. How?

"This is like three times bigger than my old room!" I exclaimed in awe. I walked to my bed and fell back onto it and sighed peacefully. I soon felt a body tackle mine and flip me over. I laughed as I was now under Nash as he placed himself above me, not touching me body at all.

I smiled as I looked up into his bright blue eyes that he got from his dad. They were beautiful. I could literally stare at them forever. I took my time to admire his features as he did the same to mine. He was actually flawless, I legitimately struggled to find something wrong with his face. Something wrong with him. But there was nothing.

"So Delivery Man is showing at 8, you wanna go?" He asked me as he was still hovering over my body.

"Ooo, I've been wanting to see that one so bad but none of my friends did!" I said making him laugh.

"Well one of them does." He winked. I laughed and put my hand on his chest pushing him off.

"Come on Grier, we better get going before we're late." I laughed. He laughed in response and leaned back and sat on the bed giving me a chance to sit up. I fixed my hair slightly and adjusted my outfit. It was pretty simple. I had a colorful muscle tank that said "stay rad" and it had like stars and rainbows, and then I had light washed high waisted shorts. The shirt was a lot cuter than it sounds, I got it from Acacia Brinley. It was her shirt that I borrowed. My brown hair was curled casually and I had black Ray Bans on the top of my head.

"C'mere Nashers, I want a picture." I told him. He laughed and came up behind me. He made his signature Nash face and I decided to just do a big goofy smile smile with my eyes closed. It was the cutest.

"Send that to me bish." He joked.

"Alright hoe." I told him before we left my room. As we walked I edited the picture with a few effects and then sent it to him for him to post it instead. Minutes later my phone buzzed signaling I had a notification. I opened it up to see it was a tweet from Nash.

"@Nashgrier: movie date with ma bish"

I chuckled and retweeted it before locking my phone again. We made our way out of the house and we walked to his garage that wasn't far away by any means and hopped in a dark grey charger.

"How do you think you're gonna drive this thing? You only have a permit." I laughed.

"No one needs to know that." He smirked.

"Ooo, bad boy. I like it." I joked. We pulled out of the driveway and made our way to the town's movie theater and it didn't seem it was too far away. We got out of the car and made our way into the theater. We bought our tickets and then went into the designated theater quickly before anyone would notice us.

baby blue eyes// n.gWhere stories live. Discover now